chapter 34

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"Okay, can you tell me why exactly you're so pissed tonight?" Chat Noir asked, not knowing how to make it up to them.

(Name) rolled their eyes and then sighed. "Okay look dude, I know it's not your fault, but the things I had to go through because of you today were just tiring."
Chat Noir nodded and sat down on their bed, snuggling into the blanket.
"Yeah well it's not like I haven't gone through the same." He thought back to the school day, They did have it worse than me though..
"No sorry, I bet for you it was even worse."
(Name) looked perplexed for just a little second but then shook it off.

Instead they rested their head on Chat Noir's shoulder, both having a blanket over their head.
"I'm just wondering, who the fuck took that picture and thought oh yes, those two are fucking! Like??" They raised their hand annoyed, still resting on his shoulder.
Chat Noir coughed awkwardly, "I don't think they specifically thought of.. fucking.. But yeah, I get what you mean. That is kinda weird." (Name) rolled their eyes.
Chat Noir looked around the room, trying to think of something to distract them, when he suddenly felt something fluffy purr at his leg.
He looked down and saw the kitten licking his kneecaps.
"I thought you wanted to let the kitten go?" He asked the teenager who grumping all over the place. Talking about the cat made them glance at him, they sat up and watched him pick the kitty up.
Shrugging, they responded "I did. I guess she came back?" They started petting the cat who meowed back.

Chat Noir awed, "You're her parent now!", he exclaimed, shoving the cat into (Name)'s face.
They took the cat from him and let it rest on their lap, "I really can't keep her. I can barely keep myself alive, how am I supposed to keep a whole living being other than me alive AND happy?" They asked the hero, who nodded agreeing.

"Yeah you got a point there, but whenever you almost died I came and saved you. I could help you take care of her as well!" He presented proudly, flexing his muscles.
(Name) stared at him and tried not to bully him.
"I just want to remark that almost all of the times I almost died were because I ended up being involved with you." "Shut up"

They shut up.

"(Name)?" A faint voice from outside their bedroom door was heard.
(Name) and Chat Noir looked at each other and gulped in panic.
"(Name)?" The voice asked again, "Uh- err Yeah? What is it Mom?"
Chat Noir waved with his hands around panicky, "What should I do?" He mouthed at the teenager who shoved his face under the blanket. Shortly after they placed the kitty under the blanket aswell, but way more gentle.

"Are you talking to someone?", now opening the door, Sam peeked inside, looking at their child who grinned back nervously and squished Chat Noir's face under the blanket to keep him from moving, or breathing.
"Yeah I was on a call with Nathaniel, sorry if I was too loud."
I should get an oscar for being such a good liar.
Sam smiled at their child back, "It's fine, it's just a bit late and me and your mother are trying to sleep. Say hello to Nathaniel for me."
"Will do, I'll keep it down."

Sam left after that and closed their door completely. (Name) pulled their arm away and Chat Noir sat up, gasping for air. "I kinda have the feeling you were trying to suffocate me just now.."he wheezed out, trying to regain the ability to breathe normal.
"Be quiet!" They whispered, shushing him down again. He pulled out the cat and held it in the air as some kind of protection.
(Name) rolled their eyes at his silly behavior and silently chuckled. The cat hero smiled at them, slowly laying down the kitten on his lap.

"Okay Chat it's getting late, I can't keep missing sleep because of you, how about we go to bed early?"
Chat Noir frowned, he was having so much fun talking to them! Why now of all times?
(Name) seemed to have noticed his disappointment so before he could answer they sighed and got up with another idea.
"Or maybe.. we could have another mario kart battle?" They slowly pulled out their switch from god knows where.
The frowning cat soon turned into a smirking cat. "Oh you just wanna see how purrfect I am in that game, don't you?"
Impressed with the cat joke, they teased back. "Actually I'm feline kinda competitive today. We'll see who's the better player."

And so they played.
And played.

And... fell asleep.

Chat Noir never went home. Never did he detransform.
He fell asleep on their bed, snuggling up to their blanket.
(Name) fell asleep on their bed, snuggling up to their pillow.

The game kept going all night. What a waste of electricity.

The morning came and the two were still fast asleep.
"(Name) wake up if you want to be on time." Their mother called from outside their room, knocking a couple times.

Completely drowsy they sat up "I'm up..."
And then they fell back on their bed, scaring Chat Noir who jolted up, "I'm awake!" He exclaimed with half closed eyes.
That was enough to make (Name) sit back up again, this time not as drowsy but more confused.
"What..?" They rubbed their eyes, still processing who is sitting on their bed.

Soon it got to both of them "Chat Noir?!" "(Name)!?"
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Oh my god what time is it?!"
"Did you just fall asleep in my room?"
The two tired teens were bickering back and forth, none of them answering any question the other asks.
"You have to go! I have to get ready for school!" (Name) finally put an end to this endless back and forth and pushed him out their balcony. Chat Noir nodded and left as fast as he could, he already knew Plagg would want to beat the shit out of him once he detransforms.

(Name) looked at the empty balcony. They felt their face heat up from embarrassment. This can't be real..

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