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The worst thing ever just happened.

Okay, maybe not the worst thing but it's one of the worst things that could happen to me.

Practice got canceled.

I know, I know.

It's not the end of the world but for someone that has practiced every single weekday for the past year, missing a practice could mean messing up your routine during competition and the mistake could link back to that one practice that was canceled.

The reason practice was canceled was because Campbell was out sick but I guess it's justified.

Since this usual ice time is used for our rehearsal, no one is here.

I decided to come in anyways to work on my pair skating routine.. without a pair of course since I only get to see him on Thursdays.

Rowan and I have been talking and he seems like a sweet guy, at least I hope he is because being paired with an asshole never gives either partner a good reputation.

Coach Campbell sent me my routine and the song that I'll be using. The song is Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA but we're using the Mamma Mia version instead of the original.

I'm so excited for this routine because I personally think it's so cute and gives off such peppy and energetic energy.

The routine consists of some solo moments to showcase each other and then a bunch of lifts and partner spins and tricks.

The routine is supposed to give off a romcom vibe which I think if we get these tricks down perfectly and use the right energy, we'll achieve that.

I push play and begin to glide around the ice, marking each trick as the words align.

I fake a lift and then turn into a back spin, just to mess around since we haven't gone over that part yet.

I lift my leg and glide around the border of the ice, stopping when I meet with a familiar face.

"What do you want?" I question in a snarky tone as I lay my headphones around my neck. It hasn't even been five minutes of alone time and I'm already getting disrupted.

"To skate? I thought practice was canceled?" Lukas answers as he crosses his arms.

"It is, I just came here to work on my routine alone but looks like that plan is ruined," I spit back, taking my headphones off and laying them on the edge of the wall.

"Did you know that you can get really moody when you're skating?" he mentions as he steps onto the ice.

"I'm well aware since you've pointed it out many times," I answer, following close behind him.

"Just wanted to make sure you're self aware," he spits back with a cocky smirk. I watch as he circles around the ice, speed skating around me.

"Why are you here?" I finally let up. I hate having my ice time cut short and he's well aware of that.

He skates one more lap around me and then hockey stops right in front of me, getting ice all over the bottom of my leggings.

"Like I said, to skate," he admits, beginning to take off again.

"I'm not having another repeat of what happened last time we shared the rink just so you know. So if I see any pucks coming my way, just know the next one is going to be launched at your head," I shout from across the rink as I wipe off the ice dust. My words hit him in the head and travels back over to me.

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