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"Jules!" Lukas' mother, Andrea, greets me from a couple feet away. She pulls me into a hug and then lets go, keeping me in her reach.

"Hi, Andrea," I greet back. I look over to Lukas' dad and say hi to him too. "Hi, Cody," I repeat with a smile.

"Hey kid," he smiles back.

I take a step away from them and stand before them. "Lukas said you wanted to speak to me?" I question.

"Oh yes, we just wanted to ask you when your competition was?" Andrea asks me.

I totally forgot that my figure skating competition was in less than two weeks. Me working the rink today really helped take the anxiety of it off of my back but now hearing those words, the anxiety is back.

"It's not next saturday but the one after it," I mention.

I see Cody whip out his phone and open his calendar. "We'll be there," he reassures me.

"Thank you guys," I add on. I feel a buzz in my pocket and find a text from Faye.

Faye: We're going to be leaving in a few, where u at?

I glance up from my phone and focus back onto Cody and Andrea. "I have to go talk to some other people but I'll see you Wednesday night for dinner," I explain.

"Bye sweetie," Andrea says.

I throw the both of them one last smile and then turn away to find my group of friends. I walk through the lobby as it's less crowded than it was moments before. I spot my two favorite girls in a huddle with some of the other figure skaters that go here.

"Hey," I say to make myself present.

Faye turns to me and checks the time on her phone. "Do you have to close the rink?" she questions.

I shake my head. "No, Kyler clocked in for the night duty so I'm free to leave whenever," I state.

"Good, we were just waiting on you," she says with a smile.

Faye nudges Kiara and motions that we're trying to get out of here. Her eyes spark as she realizes what we're trying to say and she gives us a nod.

"I'll see you guys Monday for practice," Kiara says with a wave as she turns her focus onto us. "You guys ready for this?" she hypes up.

I smirk. "We go to these parties every year, they aren't all that exciting. I don't understand why y'all act like it's such a big deal," I half joke.

I'm not lying, these parties happen every year after the big game. They're always hosted by a different hockey boy every year and people just go there to chat, have sex, and get absolutely wasted. There's nothing different about these parties compared to other ones thrown around the district.

"Okay party pooper," Faye jokes while rolling her eyes. "You just haven't experienced what we have. All you do is sit in the corner and people watch, no wonder you think these things aren't fun," she states.

"It's better than getting wasted and falling asleep on some random guys' couch," I boast.

I've seen that ordeal happen one too many times, and it's trashy. If I ever woke up hungover on someone's couch I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Kiara joins in as we make our way to the parking lot.

We walk for a moment in silence as we make our way to my car. We all get in, put our seat belts on, and then crank up some music to play.

"Y'all ready?" I ask them with a smirk.


As I pull onto the street that Ben's house is at, I can hear the music blaring from the outside. It's a good thing Ben lives in the country because if he didn't, this would get shutdown in a heartbeat.

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