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It's New Year's Eve.

I've been moping around my house for the past six days since no one has invited me out to do anything, not that I want to do anything anyways.

Faye is busy hanging around with Alex, Kiara is hanging out with her family, and Lukas- well he's the last person I want to be hanging out with.

I'm still so mad at him.

A part of it is because of Lacy but the other part is that stupid kiss.

It's still on my mind and..

I think I just need to talk to him at this point. It's the only way my mind will finally be at ease.

I hear shuffling downstairs and decide to check it out. I roll off of my bed and allow my feet to travel down the familiar stairs. I follow the sound into the living room and find my mom packing a small bag.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" I question, placing myself onto the open seat on the couch.

"Yes, why are you asking?" she follows up as she stops packing her small bag.

"Because I want to get out of the house," I answer, slumping myself into the cozy chair.

"Are Faye and Kiara not doing anything?" she asks, turning her attention towards me.

"Kiara's with her family and I'm pretty sure Faye is with Alex and..," I stop myself to let my mom connect the dots.

"So I'm your last resort?" she jokes with a smirk.

"Shush, you know I love hanging out with you," I reassure her with a smile.

"Well I'm going over to Andrea's if you want to come with," she mentions. My face shifts and she takes notice of it. "You don't have to but I already told her you're coming," she adds with a cheeky, innocent smile.

"Mom!" I shout, annoyed by her statement. As much as I love Andrea, I don't want to go over to the Romeros.

"What? It'll be fun," she adds with a shrug. She turns her attention back to her bag and I watch as she quickly sprays herself with perfume before placing it back into her bag.

"Not for me," I spit back, irritated.

"You're going," she states rather than giving me an option.

"Fine," I finally agree. "I'll come over in a bit. I still need to get ready," I add as I begin to walk back up to my room.

"I better see you there!" she shouts up at me.

"You will!" I shout back down at her.


After a half hour or so, I'm finally ready.

Andrea's parties are usually a somewhat formal event so I opted for a casual, form fitting, black dress with some matching boots. I threw my hair into a half up half down look and added some mascara onto my lashes to make me look more alive.

I check myself out in the mirror one last time before grabbing my phone off of my bed and beginning to head out of my house.

I make the small walk, down the street, to our familiar neighbors house.

I make the quick decision to not ring the doorbell, as everyone is already here, and just quietly make my way in.

That plan of course gets dissolved once Andrea spots me walk in the door.

"Jules!" she excitedly greets. She pulls me into a hug and admires my outfit. "For a minute I thought you weren't going to show up!" she continues.

"Well I'm here now," I mention with a soft smile. She takes one last look at my outfit and gives me an approving nod, meaning she likes it.

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