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As Kiara guides me through the crowd, we end up in the bathroom, in the biggest stall.

The first thing that catches my eye is Faye hunched over the toilet, throwing up.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I question, concerned. Faye usually throws up whenever she drinks but it's never until the next morning. Plus, I don't remember seeing her drink at all tonight.

"I'm fine-," she tries to answer but before she can, the liquid in her mouth shoots back out.

"God, what happened to her?" I ask, trying to look around for context clues but spot nothing that'll help.

Kiara shrugs. "I haven't been able to ask," she pauses. "She tugged me away from Andy and then here we are," she explains.

I start to think of a possible reasoning to why she's puking her guts up right now and I limit it down to three options. One - alcohol, two - food poisoning, and three - she's pregnant. As much as I'm hoping it's not the third option, for her own sake, it's always possible.

"Do you need anything?" I ask while her body lets her take a break from vomiting.

She lifts her head up and turns towards me. "Water," she spits out quickly before resuming her action.

I unlock the stall and head back out to the main event. I push through the many bodies of people until I reach the snack bar. I gaze over the options until I finally spot the bottled waters. I pick up two and begin to stride back over to the restroom before getting stopped by a familiar voice.

"Hey, is Kiara okay?" Andy questions. "She kinda just took off," he finishes.

I nod. "She's fine but our friend isn't feeling the best right now so we're probably going to leave here pretty soon," I explain. I watch as his face falls due to my reply.

"Oh," is all he speaks.

"I'm sorry y'alls night got cut short," I add to try and lighten the news.

"It's fine, I'll just take her out to dinner sometime soon," he states which makes me smile a bit. I'm glad Kiara finally found someone that cares for her.

I say goodbye with a smile and begin back to the restrooms. I find the familiar stall and barge in.

"Here," I breathe while unscrewing the cap and passing Faye the water bottle.

"Thanks," she mumbles while downing the water.

The three of us sit on the floor and let things calm down before deciding what our next move is going to be.

I pull out my phone and check the time, it's ten pm. "Do we all just want to go home?" I question.

Faye nods. "Kiara, didn't you drive here?" she asks.

"Yeah, did y'all not?" she replies.

Faye and I shake our heads.

"Then I guess I'm driving," she exclaims while pushing herself up off the ground.

Kiara and I help Faye up and begin to walk her over to Kiara's car. We open the door and place her in the backseat so she can lay down on the ride home.

After a couple minutes of driving I begin to ask some questions. "Hey, Faye?" I speak.

"Hm," she softly mumbles out.

"When was your last period?" I break the ice. Faye stays silent for a moment before propping herself up.

"Shit," she spits out.

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