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As I walk into Physics, I take my usual seat next to Kent and place my bag down.

I get out my homework from the other night and place it on top of my desk, following the directions that are written on the whiteboard.

I look over the paper and flip it over, realizing I forgot to do the back.

"Hey, do you have answers for the homework, the backside specifically?" I ask as I nudge him.

I glance down at the paper that's on his desk and realize that it's not homework and it's some letter, to.. someone?

"Uhm, yeah I have it somewhere in my bag," he answers while turning away.

I take this time to get a closer look at the letter.


It's a letter to Juliana?

Jules, I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time at the party and I...

"Here you go," he pops back up, sliding me his paper.

"Thanks," I reply.

I turn my head away from the paper before I can get a better look.

I line up the paper next to mine and begin to copy down the answers.

I wonder what the rest of that note said, and why was he writing it?

I know he was wanting to ask her out but over paper? That's so lame.

"Did you get them all down?" he questions.

"Uh, yeah," I answer while sliding the paper back over to him.

I don't get why so many guys are starting to like Juliana all the sudden. It's as if she morphed into this newer cooler version of herself that I can't see but everyone else can.

"Okay class, take out your homework and pass it down to the tables in front of you. I don't want to hear any excuses of why it's not completed since I gave you detailed instructions on how to complete the work in class yesterday," our teacher begins to speak.

I throw Kent a cheesy smirk and pass down my paper.

After a few moments, the teacher begins to ramble on about today's lecture but I quickly zone out.

I glance over at Kent who has taken time to continue working on his letter to Juliana. I watch as he struggles on what to write and how to write it.

"What are you writing?" I ask as if I didn't snoop minutes ago.

He quickly turns his head over to me and moves his arm over his paper. "Nothing," he quickly spits out.

"Oh come on," I slightly pressure.

He takes a second to think about whether or not he wants to admit what he's really doing and then ultimately decides to move his arm out of the way. "It's a note to Jules," he blurts out.

I softly glide the paper over so that it sits in front of me and skim over it.

This is the cheesiest shit I've ever read.

"What happened between y'all at the party?" I mutter softly but loud enough for him to hear.

"I could ask you the same question," he states.

My eyes glare over at him. "Nothing happened between us, there's nothing for you to worry about there," I admit.

He nods.

"So..?" I state back.

"Well- we kind of just talked but I felt like there was a connection between us and-,"

"A connection?" I quickly cut him off with a laugh.

The teacher glares over at me and I mouth them a sorry.

His face begins to turn a faint shade of red. "Yes a connection, is there something wrong with that?" he questions in a quieter tone.

"Only the fact that Juliana doesn't believe in connecting with a guy, at least not overnight but if you really think that-"

"I really think she was sending me signs back dude," he admits.

I spot talking and pause to think about what he said for a minute.

Kent is an honest guy and I don't want him to get his heart broken, especially by Juliana because she's brutal when it comes to rejecting people, I've seen her do it plenty of times - but if he really thinks there's something there I might as well help him try and get her.

"This is all wrong," I state while looking back down at the note.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"I mean, Juliana thinks sending notes instead of talking in person has to do with a lack of confidence. If she sees that you asked her out over paper she's going to laugh in your face," I explain.

"Then what am I supposed to do, she's in my next class?" he questions in a slight panic.

I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Give me this," I say as I grab his pencil. I begin to erase half of the note he started to write and begin to pencil over what he attempted to say.

"Here," I say as I fold the note and slide it back over to him. "Put this in her locker on your way to your next class and then meet her at the rink an hour before you usually get there," I finish.

He puts the note in his pocket and nods over to me.

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