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I don't want to go to this fucking dance.

Kiara is so lucky she can get people to listen to her or else I wouldn't even have considered taking Juliana as my date. I just know people are going to have something to say about this whole thing.

"What color green is this? Is this more forest or sage.. or is it an army?" Alex questions in a very confused manner. He lifts up a bunch of different shirts as he tries to match it to the color on his phone.

"What color are you going for?" I ask, confused on how to answer.

"A deep green, or a forest?" he replies, holding up the dark green shirt.

"Forest?" he answers more as a question. He pulls out his phone again and deeply compares the two shades. "I think this is the closest match," he decides. He puts the other shirt down and strides over to a fitting room.

I don't understand why Alex does everything last minute. The day after Juliana sent me the color we were doing, I went and got my shirt.

Of course I'm not fond of the idea of us matching colors but at least I can match colors.

The curtain screeches open and Alex shrugs. "What do you think?" he asks.

I nod. "It's forest green," I reply.

"I was asking how do you think I look," he repeats.

"And I answered, forest green. You're wearing forest green," I pause to let him roll his eyes. "You look good," I finally comply.

I gaze over to the clock and realize it's already five. "Are we almost done here?" I question.

He lifts up his sleeve to look down at his watch. "Oh shit, yeah - I'm pretty sure this is the right color," he finally admits.

After a minute of waiting for him to redress, we book it over to the checkout line.


I stare into the mirror as I spit out my mouthful of toothpaste.

I comb out my hair and slightly roll up the sleeves to my shirt.

I guess I'm ready..

"Hey what should I do with my hair-" Alex cuts himself off as he gains sight of me. "Wow, you're actually trying this time," he states.

My eyebrow cocks. "What?" I softly question.

"You never dress up for these things. You usually just throw on a slightly average outfit and call it a day," he points out.

"Well I know Kiara will be pissed at me if I show up looking like a bum," I explain. The only reason I care and listen to what Kiara has to say is because everyone feels bad that we're all graduating this year and she's getting left behind. Not left behind but we'll be in college and she'll still be in high school.

"Yeah.. you're right," he agrees.

We stand in silence for a moment until one of us decides to speak.

"What was your question?" I finally ask, remembering why this conversation started in the first place.

"Oh right, I was just gonna ask - what should I do with my hair? I was going to slick it back but that's too fancy but then a man bun is crazy," he rambles on while running his fingers through his hair.

"No way a man bun was even one of the options.." I begin to joke.

His eyes visibly roll. "Better than slicking it back," he fires back.

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