Chapter 100

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Jason walked into a bedroom and I was tossed on the bed making me glare at them. "I'm not a sack of potatoes that you can just throw around." I said making them glare back at me.

I grabbed a pillow from the top and used it to cover my face to hide from their gaze. "What did you call us again, Angel?" Lorenzo asked.

"Nothing." I said but it came out muffled because of the pillow.

"I think you called us dorks." Alex said making me remove the pillow from my face and throw it at Jason's face.

"Oh, you did not just throw a pillow at me." Jason said making me laugh.

I was attacked by all three of them and they were tickling me to the point I was laughing with tears running down my face.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You guys are not dorks." I said making them stop.

I was laughing still while they were laughing along with me. "I think she had enough." Alex said making me turn my head and glare at him jokingly.

I noticed the three of them were on the other side of the bed and that the door was wide open making me run out of the room, ran straight to Kyle.

"Save me and don't give me up like those two did." I said making him open his arms wide and I sat in his lap then hid my face in his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and I felt him reach behind his back. "Hell yeah, we're doing this finally." Adam said then I heard him shuffle around.

"You two are going to get yourselves killed." Ryan said.

"We're protecting her." Kyle said.

There were footsteps entering into the living room. "Alright whoever has her better hand her over now." I heard Lorenzo say.

"No, she's staying with us." Adam dared.

I heard laughter from the three of them. "They really brought their guns out." Jason laughed.

"If she's safe from you two then yes, we're going to bring them out." Kyle told them.

"Keep her, she's way too violent anyway." Lorenzo said making me look at him with puppy eyes. "Give me my sister." Lorenzo added then pulled me away from kyle.

"You just said he could keep her." Adam said making Lorenzo flick Adam off.

"She's my angel, not yours." Lorenzo mentioned as he sat down with me in his arms.

"She came to me for protection." Kyle said crossing his arms while glaring at Lorenzo.

"Yeah well now she doesn't need protection so, I took my sister back." Lorenzo said, glared back at Kyle.

"ugh, I wish she was my sister not yours." Kyle said making Lorenzo laugh.

"You wish but you can't have her." Lorenzo said making Kyle groan.

I let out a small laugh and Lorenzo kissed my head. "Drake that is Yaszy, Luca's twin." I heard Jason say.

I didn't hear a reply from him until I heard shuffling and then felt movement beside Lorenzo. "Hi." I heard behind me.

I turned slightly to see a boy that looked like a mixture of all four McCann brother's. "Hi." I said back.

"You're a fast little human aren't ya?" He said and I nodded my head.

"She's more than just fast. She can most likely kick your ass in the dark." Lorenzo said and I nodded my head.

"I don't believe you." Kyle said and Alex stood up to the lights off.

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