Chapter 43

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The waitress came back with multiple waitresses following behind him with our food. They reached us and sat our plates down in front of us.

They walked off and we started eating. "Blossom, if that's alright if I call you that but I wanted to apologize for earlier." Louis said making me smile softly.

"It's fine, you didn't know. And it's fine if you call me Blossom, just as long as you know my real name." I said making everyone laugh including Louis.

"We all know your name. Yaszy Romano A.K.A Dark Angel." Rachel said whispering the Dark Angel part which made me smile.

"Good." I said making everyone laugh.

We finished eating breakfast and we decided to walk around for a little bit before heading back to the office. Mike and I went to his office to hang out for a little bit.

"So, you finally got your own office. That's amazing." I said as I looked around his office.

"It is, I'm so glad you can see it. I literally got it the day after you left." Mike said making me smile.

"I'm glad, I got to see it as well." I said making him smile.

"It's a little bigger than my old office and it's farther away from Harvey but I like it. Jessica let me finally put a television in here." Mike said making me chuckle.

"It definitely fits you." I said making him smile again.

I sat down in his chair and spun around which made him laugh. "You want to watch something? Jessica won't mind." He said pointing to the television in his office.

"Yes, please." I said making him smile softly and then grab the remote and turned on the tv then, handed me the remote.

"Have you watched Scandal?" Mike asked making me nod my head.

"I just started it." I said making his face light up.

"Me too, wanna watch it together?" He asked making me nod my head quickly and I turned on Scandal for us and we started watching it.


An hour passed by, and we watched at least six episodes together until I got a message from Alessandro saying they have Elena and Kevin.

"Mike I have to go, but I'll try to come by tomorrow." I said making him stand up and I did the same.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. "It was good to see you, Blossom." Mike said.

"It was good to see you guys too." I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"I'll walk you out to your car." Mike said making me nod my head.

We walked out of his office and walked towards Harvey's office. "You're leaving us?" Donna asked making me nod my head while pouting.

"Yeah, mafia needs." I said making Donna nod her head then stand up to give me a hug.

"You better come back this time or I'll come find you and kidnap you." Donna said making me laugh and pull away from the hug.

"I'll try to be by tomorrow." I said then turning around and walked into Harvey's office.

"You leaving?" He asked making me nod my head.

He stood up and hugged me and I did the same. He kissed my head and I pulled away then sent him a smile before walking out and said goodbye to Jessica and Louis, Rachel.

Mike and Harvey, Louis walked me out of the building to my car. "This is yours?" Louis asked making me nod my head with a smile.

"She's a beast." I said patting the hood of my car which made Mike laugh.

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