Chapter 44

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Alessandro and I left the basement and I've been in my room since with Luca and Domenico. We were laying on my bed as we watched Criminal Minds.

"Sorella, pass the alcohol." Luca said making me sit up and reach for the fireball and handed it to him, which he grabbed and took a swig out of it.

"Mmm, that good." He said then handed it back to me and I took a swig out of it and held it out to Domenico and he grabbed it from my hands and took a swig out of it then, handing it back to me.

I place it back on the floor and laid back down with my brothers and continued watching Criminal Minds.


Dinner time finally came around and durning the movie Noah messaged me asking if I wanted to spend the night, so I asked my dad and he said that's fine as long as I'm back by tomorrow night and I also told him I'll be stopping by the firm to see Harvey and them again.

He said that's also fine, and before I leave the firm he wants me to grab a file for him out of his office for him.

We were all sitting at the table eating, and talking which we never do but tonight we did. "Alessandro how did she do?" Dad asked Alessandro.

"She used the baseball bat out of all of the tools I placed out for her." Alessandro said making everyone look at me.

"What they used a baseball bat on me, so I used it on them." I said making them nod their heads.

"You guys can have a go, I let Alessandro." I said making Luca jerk his head my direction.

"Even me?" Luca asked making me smile.

"Even you, Fratello." I said which made a smile form on his lips.

We all finished eating which was also the first, Dad said tonight the maids are cleaning up and then he's giving them the day off tomorrow and we're just going to order food tomorrow.

I walked up to my room with Luca following behind me. We walked into my room and Luca sat on my bed then turned on something on the tv while I walked into the closet and packed myself a bag for the night.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my closet making sure to turn off the lights behind me. I sat my bag down by my bed and grabbed the fireball from the end of my bed and took a swig out of it.

"Hand it here, Sorella." Luca said holding his hand out, and I handed him the bottle and he brought it to his lips and took a swig out of the fireball.

"You can sleep in here if you would like, I'm gonna head over to Noah's before she starts blowing up my phone." I said making his face light up like it was Christmas.

"You're gonna let me sleep in here?" He asked making me nod my head.

"Why wouldn't I let you sleep in here, we're related. You're my twin and my brother so, of course I'm gonna let you sleep in here." I said making his wrap his arms around me.

"Thank you, your bed is more comfortable than mine." He said making me smile and stand up. I grabbed my gun holster and attached it to my thigh under my skirt.

I grabbed my phones and keys then kissed Luca's cheek before grabbing my bag and walking out of my room. I walked down the stairs then walked to the garage door and twisted the door knob then, pushed it open.

I stepped into the garage and closed the door. I walked to my car and got in then started the engine, and pushed the button to open the garage door.

Once it opened I pushed the button for the gates then drove out of the garage down to the gates which I drove through.

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