Chapter 17

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We were all sitting down but it was different. I was sat in the middle of Alessandro and Dad which honestly made me curious but I didn't show it or say anything.

Men started walking in and sitting down in the rest of the available chairs. One of the men stood up and cleared his voice before speaking. "We have updates on Elena." He said.

"She was seen last night at the bar on the corner of 5th Avenue in Washington. D.C. with this guy." The man said then turned around to point at the screen.

I felt my blood boiling at the picture on the screen. Kevin Moore. "Then we did some research on the guy in the picture and his name is Kevin Moore. He's thirty-five years old, lives alone and his parents are dead but, get this he has a sister. Elena Moore A.K.A Elena Romano." The guy said making Alessandro grab my hand causing me to pull mine away from his and stand up then walked out of the room.

Alessandro Romano

"Then we did some research on the guy in the picture and his name is Kevin Moore. Best friend was Jake Johnson and Mary Johnson. He's thirty-five years old, lives alone and his parents are dead but, get this he has a sister. Elena Moore A.K.A Elena Romano." Carlo said making me grab my sister's hand but she pulled hers away then stood up and walked out of the room.

I looked at Dad who nodded his head and I stood up to follow her. I found her at the end of the hallway looking down at the city.

I walked beside her and looked down at the city as well. "Take as much time as you need, dad will fill you in if you want." I said making her nod her head.

I took in her appearance and her face was blank like she feels numb. Her eyes were dark like we got when we get mad or frustrated.

"Are you okay, Tesoro?" I asked worried about her, but I didn't get a response back from her.

"I knew something was up between the two when I was younger. Now it all makes perfect fucking sense." She snapped then turned around to sit in the chairs.

"They were always together until she disappeared and I haven't seen her since. I thought I was the reason why she left but I guess I know now." She said staring ahead with a blank facial expression.

"Tesoro, what she did was wrong. She took you from us at a young age, and then we thought maybe you died until we found you one day. None of this is your fault. Do you understand me?" I asked her while kneeling beside her.

She looked at me and nodded her head. "Do you wanna wait out here or go back?" I asked her.

"Wait out here." She said sinking more into the chair. I sat beside her in the other chair and kept glancing over at her here and there.

I heard the door open and Dad walked out with our brothers following close behind him. I gave Dad the 'not now' look and he nodded making me tap on her leg and stand up.

She looked to her left and saw Dad with our brothers and then she followed my movements by standing up. We walked to the elevator and went in with the same siblings.

The boys kept glancing over at Luca and Yaszy making me do the same. I saw her head with her eyes closed on his shoulder. The elevator stopped and the doors opened making us walk out and then waited for the others.

The rest arrived and we walked out to the car and got in. I still had my visor opened and I looked back to see Yaszy staring at the back of Lorenzo's seat with a blank facial expression.

Dad noticed too and I can tell he wanted to ask her if she was okay, but he kept it to himself until she was ready to talk. I noticed Luca and Nico were both very concerned about her as well.

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