Chapter 5

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I grabbed the man's arm and twisted it behind his back making a cracking sound come from his arm which made me smirk.

I kicked him in his groaning area making him drop to his knees and then straight down while holding his manly area.

"Never touch a girl again, you fucking bastard." I snapped at the man before walking out of the bathroom to where everyone else was.

"You okay?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, just some creepy dude thought he could touch me but he got what he deserved." I said letting a smirk form on my face.

"Good job, Sorella," Lorenzo said making me smile.

We sat at the foot court for a while and the man came out of the bathroom limping and holding his arm making me get my brother's attention.

They looked over at the man and smirked. "You got him good, Sorella." Enzo said fist bumping me.

"Can we get me a new phone?" I asked making them all nod.

We stayed sitting down while Domenico ate and then once he was done we went back to shopping. We got me a new iPhone and Lorenzo set it up for me as we walked to the next store.

Luca walked in with me while Nico and Enzo worked on my phone. Luca immediately noticed a couple of dresses and showed them to me they were all beautiful and I got them all.

We checked out more shirts which everyone I checked out, and I ended up getting. Luca showed me a couple of shirts and out of the five he showed me, I only liked three of them.

He place the other two back and looked for two more shirts. I started looking at more pants and skirts, and Luca came back over with two more shirts that were cute so I kept them.

I picked out more pants and skirts. We checked out and then headed to Bath and body works where I got body sprays and candles.

Luca smelled some candles and decided to get them for himself but he's going to make them seem like they're mine and then he'll come get them from me when we get home.

We paid for the candles and spray then walked into a shoe department and I picked out three more pairs of heels and then two pair of shoes. One pair of converses and one pair of vans.

We paid for the shoes and Enzo and Nico took most of the bags to the car, while Luca and I continued shopping.

Luca and I walked into a small store where they had birds everywhere. I walked up to one and it immediately flew to my shoulder making me chuckle.

"Hi, there fella." I said petting his chest gently with my finger.

"Hi." The bird talked back making me look at Luca who was just as shocked as me.

"That's awesome." He said making me nod my head, agreeing with him.

"I want one now." I said looking at bird a little bit longer until another one flew on Luca's shoulder causing me to look at it and it was a beautiful one.

It was an orange one with white small patches on its wings and it had blue eyes. "This one is beautiful." I said making Luca agree with me.

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