Chapter 50

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Once we left the hospital, Maddie and I headed back to the house. She was in her car seat eating the happy meal that I got her.

I turned down our road and pushed the button for the gates, and then once I came to the gates, I drove through them.

I drove down the driveway and I pushed the button for my garage. I pulled up a little bit and then backed up into my spot and pushed the button to close my garage.

I place the car in park then, I turned it off and got out, closing the door once I was out of the car. I opened Maddie's door then place everything in the happy meal box and I got her out of her car seat.

I place her on my hip and then closed the car door. I walked inside and walked upstairs to my room. I sat Maddie on the bed then laid beside her and grabbed her food out of the box.

She continued eating while I video called Nick on my phone and sat it up to where it was just Maddie in the picture. Nick answered and Maddie giggled making Nick smile.

"There's my baby sis. Are you having fun with Yaszy?" Nick asked making Maddie nod her head while smiling.

"We went to see Louis," She said making Nick smile.

"Is he doing okay?" Nick asked Maddie who looked at me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, we got him two bears." She said making Nick to grin.

"That was nice of you two to do that." Nick said making Maddie smile and look at me.

I tickled her neck causing her to giggle, and hid her neck. "Is she messing with you, sunshine?" Nick asked Maddie who nodded her head while grinning.

I chuckled and kissed her head then walked to my balcony and opened the doors then stepped out onto the balcony.

I leaned against the railing and listened to Maddie talk to Nick on the phone. I heard grunting and turned my head to see Alessandro climbing the balconies like Lorenzo did a couple weeks ago.

"Hi, Tesoro." Alessandro said making me smile up at him.

"Hi, Sandy." I said making him laugh and then he shook his head.

"I haven't heard you say that since your coma." Alessandro said making me smile weakly.

"You're hearing me say it, now." I said then turned my head to see Maddie still talking to Nick on the phone.

Maddie ran out and handed me the phone. "He had to get off the phone, he said he will try to call back later before we go to bed." She said making me nod my head and then she ran back inside and laid in my bed.

I had children shows playing on the tv for her and I watched Alessandro leaned against the railing next to me.

"Wanna see if Dante or Domenico will watch Maddie while you and I go down to the basement?" Alessandro asked making me look at him confused.

He never says anything like this. I turned my head to see Maddie asleep, and I texted Domenico to see if he could watch Maddie for a little bit.

Domenico: Of course, I'm gonna take a nap with her:)

I smiled at the text and nodded my head at Alessandro and the two of us walked out of my room as Domenico walked in. He closed the door behind us and we walked down the stairs and then straight to the basement door.

I opened the door and walked down the stairs then stopped at the end and waited for Alessandro. Once he reached the end of the stairs the two of us walked to Elena and Kevin's cellar.

I unlocked the door then pushed it open. They both lifted their heads and then drop it. "Why is always you two coming to torture us? Alessandro, baby listen to me-"

"NO! You listen, you took the only thing that mattered to me and ran away with her! I'm going to say this one last time... YOU ARE NOT OUR MOTHER." Alessandro yelled into her face which made her burst into tears.

"Your dad only cared about her not me that's why I did what I did." She sobbed.

"Bullshit, you went to the Russians and had them train her and then you made sure her first mission was to kill us but guess what Elena. She's back home where the fuck she belongs, and no one and I mean no is going to touch my sister because if they do it'll be a blood bath between me and them." Alessandro said making me step forward and place my hand on his back.

He relaxed under my touch and backed away from Elena who was shocked that I calmed him down with just one touch. "Go to the gym, I got it Aless." I whispered to where only he can hear me.

He nodded his head and I watched him walked out leaving me alone with Elena and Kevin. I turned back around and smirked.

I walked over to the table and looked at all of the tools, and found pilers. I walked over to Elena and opened her mouth which caused her to squirm in the chains and Kevin kept yelling at me.

"Leave her alone, you brat!" Kevin yelled.

"Or what? You can't do shit Kevin. Last time I checked you're chained up." I snapped making him glare at me.

"When I get out here, I am killing you first. You should have been dead by now but Jake and Mary failed." Kevin said making me use the pilers and start pulling out Elena's teeth one by one until I felt it was enough.

She was shaking uncontrollably and crying which caused me to grin. The door opened making me turn to see Luca in the doorway.

"Want a turn brother?" I asked holding the pilers out which he walked slowly towards me with a evil grin on his face which caused an evil grin to appear on my face.

He grabbed the pilers and walked over to Kevin. "L-luca." Elena stuttered out making Luca look at her and Elena gasped.

I place a hand on his back causing him to look at me and that's when I seen it in his eyes. Danger. I rubbed his back and then nodded my head towards Kevin.

He walked closer to Kevin and I walked over to Kevin, and held his mouth open then Luca started pulling his teeth out which made Kevin yell and squirm.

Luca stopped and then laughed at Kevin's crying which made me laugh because he was an ugly crier. The door opened and Alessandro walked back in and stood beside me.

"Luca brother hand those here, I don't think Elena had enough." Alessandro said making Luca look at me and I nodded my head.

He handed them to Alessandro and the two of us backed away to give Alessandro his space. Alessandro pulled out more teeth from Elena's mouth and dropped the pilers.

I rushed over to him and grabbed his head then pulled him backwards, and Luca's grabbed the pilers and placed them back on the table.

The three of us walked to the gym and I looked at Alessandro who shook his head. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Luca can you give Alessandro and I a minute to talk alone?" I asked and he nodded his head.

He patted Alessandro arm then walked away and I grabbed Alessandro's hand and pulled him towards the bar. We entered and I walked around the bar then started mixing fireball and Smirnoff.

I handed the glass to Alessandro and he downed it in one gulp. "Okay, we're going to talk." I said crawling on the bar counter and sitting in front of Alessandro.

"What's bothering you?" I asked as I grabbed his hand and held it in my lap.

"I'm afraid you'll get taken again and this time we won't see you again." His voice cracked making me grab the back of his head and bring it to my chest.

"You're not going to lose me, Sandy, I know how to protect myself now and I will not let you guys lose me." I said while running my fingers through his hair.

"I know, it's just when you were taken a chunk of my heart was taken with you and now that you're back that chunk is also back." He said making my heart melt.

"Listen to me brother, I'm back for good now. Elena tried to get me away from you all and it didn't work, so I'm not going anywhere." I said making him nod his head into my chest.

We sat like that for a few minutes until I remembered I had Maddie who Domenico was watching for me. When I reached my room, I walked into see them both still asleep.

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