chapter 45

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I look at Ezekiel who's starting to wake up. I quickly walk to him and I can see he's still trying to adjust to the light.

He looks at me and smiles a little. I feel relaxed now that he's awake.

"What happened?"

"You should rest ."

"How long have I been out? Oh shit Zara was here and-"

"Hey don't worry about Zara, I've handled it." He sits up and I shake my head at his stubbornness .

"Really, what happened. I'll only be able to relax if you tell me something."

"Ok fine then. Well I caught Zara searching my room and she had a bag . So immediately after she left I decided to look where I hid my stuff, and as I suspected they were not there. I came downstairs and I asked Pope where she went and she told me your room. I went and I don't want to tell you about what I saw . But I just know I stopped it and that's all you need to know ."

He keeps quite and he's thinking about something, but I don't interrupt his thoughts. He looks at me and he leans in to hug me and I hug him back trying to comfort him tightly.

"Thank you , I didn't even think that she was capable of doing that . I'm not going to lie , that was a very traumatic experience I'll ever have in my life , excluding the birth of our baby."

I laugh at his scared face the minute he mentions our labour day . I love him , I love how he loves me , I love how he already loves this baby .  I just love everything about him.

The door opens and his dad comes in with a smile.

"Son , you're awake. "

"Yeah dad, "

"I told you to sleep more , but anyway thank you for turning off his alarm Alexandria. At least he got some sleep."

"You already thanked me, but you're welcome." I can feel Ezekiel looking at me but I don't dare look at him. His dad's facial expression starts to change to angry and I feel embarrassed again.

"Dad , is everything ok.?"

His dad scoffs and looks at both of us.

"Really , we need to talk , but I have work for now . " He leaves and I finally turn to Ezekiel and he looks confused.

"What was that all about?"

"Uhm, Ezekiel..."


I take out my phone and show him the recent trending gossip on our school group , which is obviously about us.

I can see him trying to keep calm, but I know he's going crazy inside and having mixed feelings like I did.

After he's done watching and thinking about the whole thing he looks at me .

"Your parents know, everyone in the house does, including my mom. I've been getting looks from everyone, but I'm used to that . The look that scared me the most was that of your mom's. Ezekiel I'm really scared . I've stayed here all this time waiting for you to wake up, I never even went outside since I entered this room."


A knock on the door interrupts Ezekiel and I turn to see my mom. Shit , I'm so not in the mood for this.

She looks at Ezekiel and I can see the hate and anger in her eyes  , but she's trying to control herself.

"I need to talk to-"

"Not now mom, I'm not in the mood to have the talk"

"I was actually talking to Ezekiel. I think him and I need to talk , don't you Ezekiel?"

"Uh , am I allowed to say no?" He says and I laugh but I stop when my mom gives me a look . I stand up to leave because I know deep down I want them to talk.

"And be nice mom."



I sit on the bed awkwardly and look at Mrs Luther who is closing the door .

"Ezekiel... Fernandez. " She says and I nod and she gives me a "wtf" look.

"I hope you know about the gossip. And I'm not happy with what you did to my daughter."

"Look ma'am, I know you don't really like me , but I really love your daughter and obviously this was unexpected, but I'm capable of making it work. I also need you to know that you not liking me won't stop me from being with Alexandria. I'm also very sorry that I didn't listen to you about staying away from her , because my heart always called her name , so I had no choice but to listen to my heart and give it what it wants, what it needs...her. I'm sorry I wasn't...careful during some... stuff, but as I said I'm going to be there for her , whether you like it or not, I don't care."

I say and release a breath I didn't know I was holding for long.

"You talk too much Ezekiel. " She says walking to me and she sits on the bed.

"You wanna know why I never wanted you close to Al?" I shake my head and she smiles.

"Well, because from the day you came here , I always knew you were a good person. I saw the way you treated people, and I knew about Alexandria 's situation back then and I knew that she will realise that she needs someone like you in her life , but that would only happen if she got to know you. And I didn't want her to ruin everything with the Hyde's. But thank you Ezekiel."

"What're you thanking me for?"

"For making my daughter happy, for making her smile after years of torture from Christopher .I've started to realise the change in Alexandria after her birthday, but I just kept quite . She was smiling more and she seemed more open with us as her parents, she would never talk to us , but she suddenly changed. I knew she was lying about going to her dad's because I knew she had no idea where her dad was. But I tried to convince myself that she's just happy for the new age and nothing else . I-"

Mrs Luther stops talking and I see tears dropping on her cheeks. Wow , the great   , I don't know her name is crying . I kind of feel bad because I know even if she's a bid evil she's still a mother .

"As I was saying, thank you . I know my daughter will be happy with you , and I hope it's a girl, I want her to have a mini Alexandria, she deserves it after all that she's been through."

I smile as I think about holding a baby Alexandria in my hands. I can't wait for us to be a happy family.

"Ezekiel, I know it's amazing just thinking about it , but we still have something to talk about."

"What is it?"

"I talked to her dad and he told me what  he was planning to take you guys away from here and I offered to help . "

"Why , I mean , you know..." I stop talking because I don't want to say something insensitive .

"I know you probably don't trust me , but I love my daughter a lot. I'm even willing to apologize right now for what I've done. I'm really sorry Ezekiel, I know I didn't treat you well and I've been your worst enemy and I get it but the only way I'll ever be at peace is when Alexandria gets away from here and goes very far away. "

I try to process everything she just said ever since she sat on my bed and I actually forgive her . But...

"If you know about how Chris treats your daughter, then why on earth would you still want him for her , for the rest of her life.?"

"Kid, there are just some things that are out of our control, or we don't want them to be out of our control. I'm not going to tell you what , but I just hope you know that it's not something that will haunt you guys in the future. But I have some stuff I need to talk about with Derek regarding the moving . Bye , gave a good day." I nod her goodbye and she leaves .

Just when I think I can breathe again my parents walk in , oh god .

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