chapter 7

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I turn to look at my mother and I can see that she's definitely not liking whatever is happening here .

To be honest I kind of expected something like this to happen but my mother witnessing all of it was not in my mind .

"Oh guys look it's his maid mother coming to his rescue " the mixed girl says and laughs at the camera.

I've seen a lot of this girl and to be honest I've never really liked her because I always see her being touchy with Chris multiple times and I don't really know how Alexandria doesn't see the fake people around her.

My mom walks towards the table but a voice disrupts her before she could say what she wanted to say.

"What's happening here? " I recognise the voice clearly, because this particular voice gave me warnings, threats, fear and nightmares. I turn to look at none other than the queen and the boss of the family, Mrs Luther .

I remember what she said to me back in Alexandria's room and I was not scared or afraid because I'm used to her warnings and the looks she always gives me when she's around .

"If you dare  look at my daughter or just breathe her scent , I  will be your worst nightmare, and trust me you won't like it one bit" I remember each and every word she said to me three months ago after she caught me looking at Alexandria for the first time I came here in this house , to help my parents and go to university.

Her threats don't really get to me unless she brings my parents into them .

"If you still want to go to such an expensive university, save your parents from losing their jobs like they are with how to raise their son with manners and how to only warm up to people on his level and his low status, you will go give Pope this tray for her to give Alexandria, you hear me , mmmh am I clear?"

She said that after my mother told me to go give Alexandria her breakfast because Pope was busy in a meeting with Mr Luther after she served Alexandria her bread with peanut butter.

It was that day I was convinced that this woman really doesn't want me near her daughter, but what scared me was how low she stooped to get me far away  that she had to threaten my parents' jobs.

"Nothing mrs Luther " I say knowing that it's going to bug her as I'm the one that answered. She looks at me and then turns to my mother.

"Loretta, what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen, or are you here because you think your son is incapable of doing this little job correctly?" Mrs Luther asks my mom but she looks at me after saying the last part.

I can hear everyone at the table laughing including Alexandria, at Mrs Luther's comment , but I realise that Alexandria's blonde best friend is not laughing with them instead she just  looks down at her plate and rolls her eyes , probably thinking no one has seen it but I did .

I think her name is Zara , I know it because she always comes to Alexandria's house ,but I'm still surprised as to how she never told anyone about me being a maid at the

I've talked to her a few times but it was only when Alexandria is not around, but I understand her , I mean who in the rich world would want to be seen with me.

"No , Mrs Luther I was just leaving" my mother says and snaps me back to reality as she turns to leave and nods at Mrs Luther.

"Ok let's leave the kids alone , have fun you guys" Mrs Luther says and leaves

The table is silent and I see Alexandria checking the time on her Cartier watch .

"Guys it's time to go to the pool" Alexandria says

"Yay let's go bitches " the mixed girl says as she stands up quickly with everyone to go to the pool

Please don't tell me there's a chance I'm going to see these people half naked ? What a nightmare.

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