chapter 17

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It's Thursday evening and I'm talking with my mom about my party tomorrow night.

"Ok so I just got a message from Loretta and everything is ready with the decor."
My mom says while scratching on her iPad. I'm so excited for my birthday party .

"Is my car ready and also the yacht?." I ask her because I don't want any mistakes.

"Yes your black Brabus is ready and also the yacht is ready with all the preparations." My mom says smiling at me and I smile back. I got the Barbus as a gift from my mom on my 18th birthday.

I really love my mom and her taste in gifts . The venue will be in my yacht I got for my 18th birthday from my dad  , I wonder what gift my parents would give me this time. I also miss my dad a lot , we talk from time to time  but I miss him being around the house.

"Is dad going to come to at least wish me happy birthday face to face?" I ask my mom and I see her mood change.

"You should ask him ." She sighs and stands up and massages my shoulder."I'm tired I'm going to make some tea , just think about the things that you would like to add on the list here in the iPad." My mom says and heads to the kitchen leaving me with tears in my eyes threatening to come out. I know my parents think I'm still a child but I'm not and I know that my mom and dad are no longer together. They separated during December last year thinking that I didn't know . I mean who goes on a business trip for six fucking months without coming home to see your kids. I know my mom is in pain and she doesn't want to show it but I wish she could trust me and talk to me.

I feel the tears hitting my cheeks and I sob so my mom won't be able to hear me. I cry there silently and I  stand up to go to my room to cry peacefully , but as I turn I'm met with Ezekiel behind me and looking at me with pitiful , dark brown eyes."

I walk past him and run to my room.



I look at Alexandria walking up the stairs. Wow I never thought I would ever see Alexandria Martin Luther cry.

I know she needs to be alone so I head to the garden to see my father.

I reach the garden and I see my dad planting some seeds and I go to him.

"Hey dad , how's work going and I hope this time you're free." I ask my dad with a smile . Everytime I come to see him he's always busy and we have a lot to catch up on.

"Yes son , you just came at the right time . Let's go sit there under the tree. " My dad says pointing at the benches under a tree.

"I know we have a lot to talk about so , I'm going to start . How's your girlfriend.?" My dad asks with a mischievous smile and at that moment I wish I had a more secretive mother.

"She's ok I guess." I say shrugging and my dad gives me a surprised look, before talking.

"She's ok ? Ezekiel she's your fucking girlfriend, and might I add her status and lifestyle. I mean she's basically a millionaire at  fucking 19 so I don't think she's just ok." My dad says while using  an inappropriate language, my dad is like that , very different from my mom.

"I know , but I just can't help this feeling that..." I look at my dad and he nods to let me know I can talk to him . I know he doesn't have much time do I decide to go to another topic.

I clear my throat . "Uhmm dad , is it a good thing if a girl fantasises about you?" I ask looking at my dad with curious eyes but he just flashes a smile with wide eyes, weird combination I know.

"And don't ask who , just answer the question." I say quickly before he asks me.

"Ok, ok. Well from my experience I think you mean they think about you in a sexual way, like imaging right?" He asks with a smile and I know he's just trying to bug me so I just nod.

"Ok , then there's your answer." My dad says leaving me confused, he didn't even say anything. "What's the answer." I ask him.

"You fucking idiot, obviously who ever it is, they like you . Wow I never thought anyone would ever think about you in that way , way to go son. Papa raised you well.". He says smiling with confidence or should I say proudly as if he did something, but I just laugh with him and we start laughing together as he hugs me .

"I'm sure you're proud and all , but I don't think it means they like me, trust me she would never like me." I say and I ignore the hurt I feel inside .

"Son, whoever it is that fantasises about you , they like you because they wish you were there with them , and mostly they would let you do anything to them , trust me I know ." My dad says and winks at me , and I chuckle at his silliness. I love my dad , he's the patient and non strict parent . I can tell him anything . Sometimes he told me to tell him if I need any help with girls and if I need any sexual tips.

" I have a girlfriend dad, you can't be saying such things to me about another girl." I say smiling.

"Oh please Ezekiel, it's not like you like your girlfriend  and shit , come on you have to loosen up you've been a geek your whole life no offence by the way . Look all I'm saying is live a little, I mean it's not everytime a girl even thinks about a guy like you in that way , again no offence." My dad says and I sigh and just look at him and i hear another gardener calling him to get back and I know it's time to leave .

"Ok dad thank you for the advice." I say and hug him before turning to leave but he shouts behind me .

" Only come to me if you heed to my advice you fucking idiot, I love you." He shouts and I laugh .

"I love you ." I shout back heading back inside and I hear him laugh .

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