chapter 6

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As soon as I enter the garden , I am met with  very amazing but Morden decorations , and I look at the snacks for the party and I feel myself smile as I think about how Ezekiel baked those cookies but I suddenly feel this yearn to see him again but I tell myself that I just miss the laughing, not him.

"Al , you're finally here" my bestie, Zara comes running towards me and giving me a big warm hug like we always do when we missed each other , and even though I just saw her a few hours ago it feels like it's been days.

I hug her back

"You know I really missed you, I was tired of being around these fake bitches and of course I'm obviously talking about Lana " she whispers

I chuckle as I turn to look at the table to see Lana and Chris talking about God knows what , but I don't care so I just find myself hugging Zara again and I turn to look at her .

"I'm sorry , I was still getting ready and that idiot Chris called me and wasted my time and mood , but any..." I pause as I can see that Zara is distracted by something behind me.

"Zara " I say shaking her back to reality but I suddenly feel more curious as she's still drooling over that thing. I turn I my head to see none other than Ezekiel standing there and looking at us with a very serious look.

I turn to look back at Zara and she is smiling this time , I clear my throat and she turns to look at me and her smile drops

"Zara ? " I ask with a look of 'what is going on with you'

"Sorry , let's go sit down " she says quickly and she walks away before I can say anything. I turn to look at Ezekiel but he's busy talking to the gardener that looks like he just came from the dustbin. Gosh how is he even talking to him without a look of disgust,  I find myself cringing as I think of the man's smell.

"Ahg . Disgusting" I say to myself as I go to the table .

20 minutes later

We all laugh at Sebastian who is flirting with a male servent working with the preparations of the tea party.

"You know I saw the way you looked at me when I got here." Sebastian says making the servent cringe , which makes me laugh even more ,and Sebastian narrows his eyes at me which makes me stop instantly.

" You can leave , the preparations are still good." I tell the servent as I can see  he is starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Yes ma'am." He says as he turns to leave.

Lana suddenly raises her hand up and snaps her fingers " hey maid " she says and I see Ezekiel rushing towards us

" yes ma'am" Ezekiel says

" My tea is cold , pour  a new one for me" Lana says and I see her smirking at Chris and Chris smirks back at her and nods. Ok they've definitely planned something.

Ezekiel picks up the tea pot and a new cup and pours the tea , but I see Lana picking up her cold tea and before I know it , the tea is all over Ezekiel and everyone at the table laugh except me with my eyes wide open and Zara ,who gasps with her eyes wide open also

"Oh my gosh , guys look at this poor boy from our school , and as you all know he's a maid but I didn't know he was this lame". Lana's voice erupts at the table

I turn my head to look at Lana and I see that she's looking at Chris' phone which he is holding up, and I'm pretty sure he's taking a video .

"Oh , look at that dirty half apron he's wearing, eww" Lana says and laughs along with Sebastian,Diane, Holly and Chris .

"Wow, I wonder who would even think of getting close to him , Ahhg , so disgusting" Holly my other bitchy friend says as she looks at Ezekiel with the look I make when I see peanut butter, and trust me it's not a pleasant look.

Ezekiel turns to leave but a voice stops him

"Hey maid , I want some cookies on my plate" I turn to see Chris smirking at Ezekiel.

"What's going on here ? " I turn to see Ezekiel's mother standing there looking at us with a look of anger but she's trying not to show it.

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