chapter 14

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It's Wednesday after school and I'm in Alexandria's room trying to get her to solve the equation, but she just looks at the paper and squinting her eyes as if she's trying to find an ant's eye. Really what's so hard about this.

"You've been staring at the paper for almost ten minutes Alexandria, and I thought you said you understand the solution to this equation." I say because I'm really starting to be impatient and we still have a lot of topics to go through.

"Ok there smart pants , some of us are not like you ok , so shut your fucking mouth and let me concentrate on this equation, even if it takes me a whole day , SHUT UP."

I sigh and I look at her as I remember what I heard 3 days ago while she was talking to Zara , and I know that this is my only chance to ask her .

"I want , no no no I need to ask you something." I say and she turns to look at me with a bored look probably thinking I'm talking about math.

"It doesn't have anything to do with school or math." I say just to clarify and she straightens up while giving me a curious look.

"Wow , I'm actually intrigued, you never talk to me about anything other than school or house chores that Loretta gives you." She says and I try hard not to roll my eyes . I really don't like it when she calls my mother by her name or with no respect at all , like she's not an elder to her.

She reaches for her vanilla milkshake and takes a sip while looking at me .

"Go on , ask away." She says as she continues sipping on the straw.

I don't want to waste any time so I decide to get to the point.

"What did you write about me in your diary or whatever you call it that made you and Zara fight?" I ask and she chokes on her drinks immediately and she looks at me as if I've grown a second nose on my face. I just give her the ' well I'm waiting ' look , but she just stares at me for a moment before looking away as if she's embarrassed.

"Look I just wanted to find out but you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable and I also know that it's probably a private matter but Zara found out about it somehow, so just ignore my question, ok." I say to her in a careful tone because by the way her mood changed I'm king of scared. So we just there in silence.

"I wrote about the fantasies I have about you when I'm alone or having sex with Chris , my boyfriend." Alexandria finally breaks the silence but her words make me freeze. And the fact that she said those words in confidence scares me .

Woah , where's my milkshake to choke on because I never expected to hear Alexandria confess to something like this , now I regret even thinking of asking. I'm still surprised and try to process all of this information and Alexandria speaks up again.

"Look I didn't tell you this to scare you away , but I just needed to get it off my chest so I can actually start breathing and feeling alive before all this happened and I know it's selfish and kind of embarassing, but I feel lighter and I can even solve this equation and you can also take your time before talking, I will even understand if you never speak to me again , I mean it's obviously disgusting and outrageous , so I would really understand." She finishes off with a chuckle but she's still looking away from me.

I don't want her to feel like that way so I decide to say anything that comes to my mind

"Uhmm. What do you mean by you fantasise about me?" Shit the moment I ask that I feel like a loser , why would I ask her something like that during a time like this.

I just look at her to see her reaction and she finally looks at me with those light brown eyes I used to think about almost everyday .

She half-smiles before she starts talking." I mean that I think about you sexually, and I also think about us , you know in that way , and ..." She's cut off by a knock on her door .

The door door opens and Mrs Luther enters and she looks at me with the look she always gives me and I just look at her bored because I really am ,I mean like woman I know you don't like me , so you don't need to show me everytime you see me , it's been months since I came here and she hasn't skipped a day when she's around, like it's getting out of fashion. I want to piss her off so I look her up and down and recreate the face she's looking at me with, and I see her reaction and she's fuming with anger and I feel like I've won a lottery as I try to hold my laugh.

I stand up to leave before  giving her the pleasure to tell me to.

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