chapter 13

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I stare at the ceiling as I cuddle with Zara. It's Sunday evening and I stopped helping my mom because she forbid me to , but this time it's because she only wants me to focus on Alexandria 's grades.

"Zara ." I sit up on the bed and I look at her.

"Yes, what's wrong?" She sits up also .

"I think we should talk about you and Alexandria."

"There's nothing to talk about Ezekiel,ok it's over." She says and I know I pissed her off.

"I don't want to be the cause of the end of your friendship, because I know I'm the reason. Look all I'm saying is try to talk to her about whatever problem you guys have and solve it because I know deep down you don't want to lose her .I can see you're trying to act as if it doesn't affect you but I know it does. "

Zara looks at me before she breaks down into tears. I put her head on my chest as she cries uncontrollably.

"She is my best friend you know . And I know I didn't treat her right ,and I..." She continues crying as I hug her.

"You should go now before it's too late." I say to her and she nods her head as she stands up.



I'm watching Botched on my TV to try to make myself feel better. There's a knock on my door .

"Come in". I say as I take a spoonful of the frozen vanilla ice cream in my hand.

I look at the door and I see Zara standing there and I just wanna go and hug her but well...

"Hey ,Al." Wow she just called me Al and might I add she's smiling. I smile back.

"Hey Zara, come here." I say as I pat the space on my bed , but I hope I'm not moving too fast. I'm just eager to talk to her.

"Sure " she comes running and she jumps on the bed and we both laugh .she hugs me and I hug her back , god I really missed her. I'm happy that she came around.

"I'm sorry Al, I really am . I'm sorry that I stole your diary and I'm sorry for treating you that way just because of my insecurities." Zara mumbles and I smile but I know I also need to apologize.

"I'm sorry too Zara , and thank you for stealing my diary , because it made me realise how stupid it was to write that shit about your boyfriend, I really am sorry. And I also tore the page and burnt it to ashes." I say and we hug each other again while crying the tears of joy and laughter fills the room.

"I think I over reacted, because I saw that you wrote it before he was my boyfriend so I'm sorry, again really."

"Oh shit , those lips look like Amber's" I say and we both laugh as we watch the TV and enjoy ice cream .

The whole day goes by quickly while we watch the episodes of Friends. I'm really happy we got to talk again and I take a mental note that I'm never going to let a boy come between us again.



I'm still struggling to figure out what Alexandria meant by writing shit about me in her diary .

I wanted to make sure that they don't fight so I followed Zara and kind of eavesdroped to their conversation. But I'm happy I got to be the reason Zara actually talked to her.

I look at the chemistry text book and try to think about what Alexandria actually wrote about me , I know I would normally not care but I suddenly do and it's not a good feeling. And I don't like it one bit .

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