Chapter Hundred and Thirteen

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Drishti jolted from her unmoving state at the sudden sound of a knock on her door and called, "Come in

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Drishti jolted from her unmoving state at the sudden sound of a knock on her door and called, "Come in."

A dasi stepped in and bowed slightly in front of her, hesitating for a moment upon seeing the condition of the room which was completely disheveled. It was now the eighteenth day of the war going only a couple of hours left till the war of the day would be over.

But Drishti barely payed attention to anything happening around since last night. The night after Angraj Karn died. She had stayed locked in, crying whole night while everybody shuddered outside the gut wrenching sounds of her disheartening cries. A lot of people tried to go in to check on her but were stopped as Krishna asked all of them to not try, knowing tonight nothing was going to end her despair and they too wont be able to bear her state.

But Arjun had defied Krishna's word and had stayed whole night right outside the door, trying to talk to her without forcing her for anything. He didnt feel right going away when he knew that she was somewhere breaking all alone, he just couldnt leave and ended up falling asleep outside the room at the doorstep.

When he woke up to for the war early in the morning, he had somehow found the door open and couldnt leave without checking on her once. Stepping in he had found the whole room completely rumpled while in a corner she sat probably passed out from the all the continuous crying she did, he had picked her up and carried her to the bed asking all the maids to take care of her.

Today for the first time he had wanted to not go and leave her like this but it was necessary, everybody knew today was the last day of the war. After a while when she woke up, unable to feel anything internally, she simply asked to be left alone and since then had been sitting there unmoving, hugging her knees while her tired eyes stared out from the window with a numb expression.

There were no more tears in her left to be shed, she hadnt ever felt so hollow from the inside. It was actually suprising to her on finding herself still alive somehow when she had very strongly felt last night she wont be able to make it tomorrow because there was no will in her left anymore.

Just faint breaths leaving her now and then, her heart beating so minimally that it was almost impossible to feel it. She didnt even try to recall what happened last night, while a part of her faintly remembered she had stayed locked in, she was filled with the powerful urge to simple end her life because it had gotten beyond unbearable now. All of despair and devastation peaked last night.

She was barely able to force her mind to even recall if she had really attempted to take her life, she just remembered that she had felt her vision go dark suddenly and was still not able to understand how. She knew she was hearing somebody last night the whole time but she could comprehend nothing.

Suddenly with a hitch of breath she was forced to come out of the bizzare daze she was trapped in when she felt lile the woman standing in front of her had just said anything but again she didnt hear any of it. She blinked blankly, asking in a quiet tone, "What?"

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