Chapter Fifty Seven

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"But why cant I go?" A saddened Drishti whined heavily to the elders standing at the main gate of the castle to bid Duryodhan goodbye with their blessing for the swayamvar, "I've never been to Kaling!"

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"But why cant I go?" A saddened Drishti whined heavily to the elders standing at the main gate of the castle to bid Duryodhan goodbye with their blessing for the swayamvar, "I've never been to Kaling!"

Gandhari and Pitamah were the ones who were stopping Drishti from going and she was frustrated. She side ways turned to Mamashree who winked secretly and nudged Duryodhan who hid a small smile and approached his father.

"Pitashri, Drishti is enthusiastic about the trip, she wished to go and I dont think its is any harm as long as we are with her, dont you think?" Duryodhan spoke to his father who didnt even need to listen the whole sentence to agree.

"If Drishti wants to go then she must." Dhritrashtra said in a authoritative voice but with a smile and Drishti smirked at Pitamah who held a flat look. "See Pitamah, now the King had agreed too, why dont you do it as well?"

She smiled cheekily at the old man who sighed but before Drishti could celebrate victory she was interrupted by Gandhari, "Drishti, girls like you dont go to another girl's swayamvar, no girl travels like this."

"Is it a law, Kaka Vidhur?" Drishti asked seriously and saw him shaking his head reluctantly causing her to grin with a clap, "Then it is not a crime to go and I am going, bye, love you!"

"Wha-" Gandhari was pulled in a tight hug by the girl gaining a loud smooching kiss on cheek before she pulled away and rushed to leave with others. Karn and Dushasan walked behind the three and watched Drishti high five with Mamashree as the two had already planned the whole strategy, having her stuffs and maids readied overnight.


After a tiring journey of two days, Drishti was finally able to stretch her legs out with cracking sound on reaching the wedding destination and the first word that left her mouth was, "Woah."

The place was more than ethereal.

Her wide eyes skimmed through everything there and she couldnt help but compare it with the weddings she had been to and much to her slight disappointment it was all much much better.

"Is this why Duryodhan was so excited for this swayamvar?" She asked completely awestruck and heard a stiff, "Yes."

She turned to see Dushasan standing behind her and immediately she was brought back to recall what happened months ago, she still hadn't forgiven him for that. Without a single reaction she left leaving him alone.

Dushasan watched her go with a heavy heart, hating to see losing his best friend like that but he knew he was the one at fault and probably deserved to be treated like that but still a small voice in the back of his head screamed desperately - I had no choice!


All of them gathered into the royal tent that was for them. The whole arrangement was made inside the special part of the royal castle of Kalinga, Drishti got her own tent because she was the only girl in the whole guest list and much to surprise she got to know she was requested by the invitees because of her being the future girl and suddenly she felt like she stepped into an exhibition which was for her.

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