Chapter Sixty One

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I was going to post this chapter the next day of last update but even after two days the last chapter hasnt even touched 100 votes. Why are there so many reads but so little votes?😢

 Why are there so many reads but so little votes?😢

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"Supriya to get married to Angraj Karn."

Drishti stared at the woman who just said that and she didnt know anymore what to say or do. Her head instantly jerked to Karn who also stood in shock just like everybody, no one could believe that Bhanumati just asked for that.

The silence was killing Drishti as no one was able to utter anything, all she wanted was to hear a big, loud and clear no from Karn or she wont be able to breathe anymore.

He was already married once which itself was enough heart wrenching for Drishti as she was practically sharing him with another woman and it was wrong in her opnion but all the love that she had for him made it impossible for her to leave and live that way in misery but no, it was going to be too much bear for her.

"Please say something, Yuvraj," Bhanumati ended the silence with her soft tone, Duryodhan looked as reluctant and shocked as anybody there, he glanced at his family himself not knowing what to say. Bhanumati's eyebrows furrowed in slight sadness, "You just promised that you'll fulfill this wish of mine."

Now Drishti could feel the acid rise up to her throat, what was going to happen? She was dying to know what was Duryodhan going to say to this.

"I-I," Duryodhan turned his family for help who themselves were helpless, Bhanumati's father piped in, with a little arrogant gesture, "What happened Yuvraj Duryodhan? Just a few moments ago you were claiming to fulfil all the wishes of my daughter, are you going to break your promise now?"

"No!" Duryodhan snapped at him and Drishti's stomach dropped.

Duryodhan gulped looking down closing his eyes showing how trouble he felt while taking that decision, "I accept Bhanumati's wish."

Drishti eyes were deeply concentrated on Karn hoping for any kind of protest but he too stood there looking all helpless with his fists clenched, he couldnt even now look up to meet Drishti's eyes which was now overwhelming her. She turned to Duryodhan and took a step fiercely.

"Dur-" Drishti began in his direction but was interrupted by Duryodhan joining his hands towards the King, "Now will you please excuse us, Maharaja, we need to send the news to Hastinapur as well as now we have three weddings to prepare for."

Drishti gawked at Duryodhan with the look of utter betrayal on her face while the King nodded with a chuckle and all of them started leaving. Drishti burned with rage the moment Supriya dared to glance at Karn shortly and a small smile tug at her lips.

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