Chapter Forty One | The Partition

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"I dont think I said anything wrong

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"I dont think I said anything wrong." Dushasan said coolly, and Drishti's heart started pounding with many others in the room. Nakul scoffed, "Ofcourse you did, It is 'Yuvraj Yudhistir' not Duryodhan."

"The last time I remembered, it was my elder brother, named Duryodhan who was crowned as the Yuvraj, not anyone named Yudhistir." Dushasan said starting to get angrier, "Right, Pitashri?'

"Yes." Dhritrashtra nodded after a second and Pitamah looked away hesitantly from the Pandavas who were starting at him to say something.

"Its alright, Pandu Putra Bheem and Nakul," Mamashree smiled mockingly, "You are forgiven for the small mistake, but remember from now on that Priye Duryodhan is the Yuvraj, not your eldest brother."

"That could have been possible if someone who tried to burn us all in Lakhshagrah, succeeded," Arjun said glaring at Mamashree, "But clearly we are all fortunately alive, so whatever happened in the absence of the real Yuvraj, doesnt matter because he is well and alive."

Drishti stared between the group of cousins arguing with each other, claiming who was the real Yuvraj. Drishti knew, Duryodhan wasn't suppossed to be the Yuvraj and had practically snatched the title after plotting to kill the Pandavas in Lakshagrah but she stayed quiet not wanting to give them a hint that she was present there in the room and knew everything and avoided being asked to make a decision on who was right. This was their problem to solve otherwise everything would mess up. 

"No one cares what has happened earlier!" Duryodhan almost roared, "The one that was chosen to be the next king was me, after my father!"

"This is unfair Pitamah!" Arjun sneered turning to Pitamah, who was stuck in the situation. He cleared his throat after a while in the room filled with intense silence and spoke up, "I understand what you all are trying to say and both sides are right in their aspects, I believe we should leave this matter to be discussed tomorrow in the royal assembly, the right and final decision shall be taken tomorrow, till then all of you can go back to your rooms."

"But Taatshree—" Dhritrashtra began completely baffled with what Pitamah just said but was interrupted by him, "I said, you shall all go back to your rooms."

Drishti was the first one who turned around going to her room numbly as everyone else too started dispersing. Managing the long way back to her room in silence, Drishti constantly told herself to stay clam and not burst into tears right then and there. She could hear Karn call after her when she first started leaving, but didnt have the heart to face him, not tonight, after what had happened.

At the moment she loved him so much that everything about him broke her, she was not ready to shatter. She kept on moving, letting his voice ring distantly in her ears, after a while his voice died down, she was no longer hearing it. She locked herself in her dark room, and sat against the door hugging her knees, even her eyes were so tired that they no longer had the strength to pour her pain out. It was bottling inside her.

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