Chapter Fifty Six

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Both Drishti and Kritika stared shocked after from where Dushasan left after saying he wont marry Kritika

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Both Drishti and Kritika stared shocked after from where Dushasan left after saying he wont marry Kritika. Two couldnt believe he just said such a thing and just why?

"H-He said he wont marry me?" Kritika's words trembled as she turned to Drishti wide eyed, "But I love him, he loves me too- w-why did he say that?"

"Kritika." Drishti reached to hold the shocked Kritika while herself being baffled at what just happened a minute ago. Why did Dushasan say such a thing? Drishti knew he loved Kritika to a level that had no extent.

Then why?

"I need to talk to him," Drishti said after regaining her lost voice due to the shock. "I am going to go talk to him, there's a misunderstanding for sure, you dont worry, I'll bring him back to you."

Drishti ran after him quickly following him to an empty street lane, the wind was growing wilder as it was about to rain soon very heavily, the whole place seemed deserted because of it. "Dushasan stop!"

He didn't listen to her, he increased his pace causing her to run after him in her full speed until she finally reached and stopped him, yelling loudly, "Are you deaf? Cant you listen I was calling for you!"

She saw the look on his face which was completely distorted, obviously because of what he just said. "Why did say such a thing, Dushasan? Why would you say that? You love Kritika, you have been the one who wouldn't stop talking about marrying her! Then why did you say now that you dont want to marry her-"

"Because I dont!" He yelled yanking her away a little, "I dont want to marry her!"

"Why?" She watched his yone even more furiously pushing him harshly, "Why dont you want yo marry her?"

"It is my wish Drishti! I dont need to give any justification for it!"

"Yes you do!" Drishti was growing close to burst out in anger, "First you go around claiming you love her then make her fall in love with you and when she needs you the most you are backing off saying you cant marry her! What is wrong with you?"

"Why dont you get it Drishti? I cant marry her! We have no match, she is from the lower class, she cant be a part of the royal family, everyone will look down on me and my family if I marry her!" Dushasan yelled and Drishti stared at him at loss of words.

"These are not your words, Dushasan." She said with a trembling voice, her eyes filling up with tears, "Someone else has forced you, right? I know, you are not like this, you never cared of caste and class. Someone else is making you say this, tell me who is it? These are not your thoughts, you won't do that to Kritika-"

"No one is making me do this, Drishti," He exclaimed angrily, "This is my personal choice, I dont want to marry a classless girl like her, she doesnt deserve to be my wife. She has a status of a maid and nothing else!-"

Dushasan was interrupted by a harsh slap coming in his direction from a furious Drishti putting all her power to shut him up, "Shut up, shut up, just SHUT UP!"

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