Chapter Eight | Angraj Karn

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"Rajkumari Draupadi is arriving!" The announcement man announced loudly to all the kings and Princes present in the large ground

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"Rajkumari Draupadi is arriving!" The announcement man announced loudly to all the kings and Princes present in the large ground. All of them stood up as a beautiful woman draped in red color dressed came into view. All of their eyes on her, observing every minor detail of her beauty in awe.

Draupadi moved along the music and dance happening behind her, flowers raining on her whole way until she made it to sit on her special seat. All the men craved to have her as their wife.

"Pranaam everybody!" Krishna stood up from him place joining his hands towards the crowd gaining their attention "All of you must have heard the news of a girl arrived from Kaliyug-"

Several gasps and whisper arised in the ground among the men. Krishna continued "The news is truth, A girl named Drishti has been destined to be here and do something great and I would like to welcome her!"

All the men darted their eyes to the same place from where Draupadi arrived and saw a girl dressed in gold, silver and red, with her hair tied in a long beautiful braid flowers adorned on it. She walked slowly due to the heaviness of her clothes while all the men stared at her in awe.

Firstly she was so beautiful and then she was from future, all kew that she is special. Meanwhile Drishti who was feeling highly anxious could only look straight in ahead of her at Krishna who stood at a distance smiling at her.

"Is there a swayamvar for her as well?" Drishti heard one of the men and she almost fainted. Swayamvar? Hers!? No!

"She is so beautiful, I want her" Another men said. She bit her tongue to not shower him with profanities.

Drishti finally made her way to stand between Krishna and Draupadi facing the crowd. Krishna gave an encouraging smile to a nervous Drishti beginning to say.

"I want to introduce this maiden to the whole Aryavrat who is chosen by the destiny to change the future of Aryavrat- Drishti!" Krishna introduced loudly and proudly. Drishti didnt know what to do at the moment, she just smiled looking forward trying to hide her extreme nervousness.

King Drupad stepped forward for his welcoming speech addressing all the present Kings and Princes. Drishtidyum stepped forward to explain the task of swayamvar that all the participants have to shoot an arrow in the fish's eye by looking at its reflection in the water.

Drishti was in awe seeing everything, it was all just so amazing. She watched the faces of several Kings and Princes some looked scared and some overly confident. All of them wanted to win Draupadi but Drishti knew the winner was not present in the crowd right now.

Suddenly her eyes fell on one such face that never got off her sight in the recent days. It was the face of the same king she met that day when she was dressed as a maid.

It was the same king who had a glow as that of the sun, his bow and archer erect and powerful. He looked as the true definition of a warrior. Her breath hitched as suddenly sensing a gaze on him, his head sharply jerked in her direction and he caught her staring at him.

Drishti immediately looked away feeing extremely embarrassed on being caught eyeing a man. Her cheeks heated up knowing that he was still staring at her. She mentally cursed herself.

She just hoped that he didnt recognise her or it was an end for her. That day after running away from him she was mesmerized by his golden eyes, she could always feel his tight grip on her arm forbidding her from running.

She just couldnt remove his handsome face from her vision, she was everytime in a daze thinking about only him. She didnt know why her mind was so attracted towards him, why was she so interested to imagine him all over again and again.

She wondered who was he?

She heard Krishna chuckle beside her gaining her attention, she turned to him and found him smiling at her. She asked "What happened?"

"Seems like you have caught someone's eyes." Krishna remarked teasingly, Drishti's face heated up. She was blushing very badly looking due in embarrassment causing Krishna to laugh.

"I-I dont know who are you talking about." She stuttered causing him to laugh more. He leaned towards her to whisper. "The King over there whom you find so attractive is..."

"Is...?" She asked curiously. Krishna gave her another teasing look before saying the King's name.

"He is Angraj Karn."

*Author's Note*

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*Author's Note*

So the first love interest is ANGRAJ KARN!!! 🔥☀️🏹

Q. Are you in for a Karn×female OC story?

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