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ays passed in a blur of routine at the hospital, assisting Doctor Keith as he tended to the wounded and the ailing. However, when the doctor mentioned Levi Ackerman's desire for an experimental procedure, and his reluctance to it, a surge of anger coursed through you like wildfire. Your breath quickened, chest tightening with indignation as you confronted the doctor with a barrage of accusations.

You railed against the lingering prejudices between Marleyans and Eldians, grappling with your own complicity in perpetuating the divide. The memory of your conversation with Levi during the bonfire night echoed in your mind, a poignant reminder of the shared humanity that transcended labels and affiliations.

In a heated exchange, you implored Doctor Keith to reconsider, to recognize the injustice of denying Levi and others a chance at a better life. Your words struck a chord, drawing forth a reluctant admission of defeat from the doctor, tinged with a hint of remorse.

As the weight of the moment settled over you, a mix of relief and apprehension washed over you. You knew the road ahead would be fraught with uncertainty, but you clung to the hope that Doctor Keith's newfound determination would tip the scales in Levi's favor.

Yet, amid the tumult of emotions, your thoughts invariably returned to Levi, to the fleeting moments of intimacy shared between you. The memory of your touch lingered, igniting a spark of longing that refused to be extinguished.

In the quiet confines of your tent, the darkness enveloped you like a shroud, wrapping you in solitude. The anticipation gnawed at your insides, a restless energy propelling you to the threshold of your tent.

As the sound of shifting grass reached your ears, your pulse quickened with anticipation. With trembling hands, you drew back the fabric barrier, revealing the figure standing beyond.


The name escaped your lips in a hushed whisper, laden with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. With bated breath, you awaited his response, heart pounding in your chest as you braced yourself for whatever lay ahead.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now