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Levi's gaze lingered on the river's surface, watching as the waves collided in a hypnotic dance under the starry sky. Beside him, he sensed your presence, your delicate touch tracing patterns in the grass. He stole a sidelong glance, noting the faint shimmer of tears in your eyes, yet he hesitated to inquire about the cause of your distress.

His attention shifted to you, his gaze trailing from your graceful neck adorned with moles down to the pendant resting against your chest. It seemed a natural extension of you, as if it had always belonged there. The realization struck him with a heaviness, his breaths growing slower and more deliberate.

As you retrieved a pair of glasses from your pocket and settled them on your nose, Levi found himself drawn to the way they framed your features. A simple exchange of compliments ensued, your shyness endearing in its innocence. He pondered the depths of your reticence, wondering what lay beneath the surface, what shadows lurked in the corners of your mind.

To Levi, true intimacy was born from confronting one's inner demons, yet he found himself grappling with his own reluctance to share his burdens. He had grown accustomed to burying his grief deep within, finding solace only in the darkness of sleepless nights.

But with you, it was different.

He marveled at the vulnerability reflected in your gaze, wondering if you harbored the same darkness he did, if your sadness manifested in similar ways. He yearned to unravel the mysteries hidden behind your eyes, to witness the raw beauty of your unguarded soul.

In the silence that enveloped you both, Levi pondered the enigma that was you, grappling with the inexplicable pull you exerted over him. His thoughts drifted to your pendant, its crimson hue casting a mesmerizing glow in the moonlight. What secrets did it hold? What significance did it bear?

Before he could delve deeper into his musings, your voice pierced the silence, drawing his attention back to you.

"Are you scared?"

Levi met your gaze head-on, a furrow forming between his brows. He understood the weight of your question, the unspoken fears that lingered between you.

"I am," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I am sure. I want to do this."

As you leaned closer, resting your chin on his armchair, Levi felt a warmth spread through him, a sense of comfort in your presence. Your proximity stirred something within him, a longing he struggled to comprehend.

He watched as your hand traced the contours of his scar, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him whole. The intensity of your touch left him breathless, his heart pounding in his chest as he met your gaze.

And then, just as he felt himself succumbing to the magnetic pull between you, the moment was shattered by Jelena's voice cutting through the night.

"(Y/n)? Levi?"

Levi's head snapped towards the sound, watching as you quickly rose from the ground, a flush of embarrassment staining your cheeks.

Before he could process what had just transpired, you were apologizing, brushing off the encounter as a simple moment of observation. Levi felt a pang of disappointment at the abrupt end to your interaction, a silent protest rising within him.

As you walked away, a bittersweet longing gripped Levi's heart, a yearning to unravel the mystery that was you.

And as you turned to look back at him one last time, a sweet smile gracing your lips, Levi found himself captivated by the enigma you embodied.

Who were you, indeed?

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now