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The moments of encounter lingered in Levi's mind, each one a puzzle piece in the intricate tapestry of your shared existence within the camp. His musings meandered through the shadows of the past, the present casting a stark light upon the complexities of human connection.

Levi Ackerman, once humanity's strongest soldier, now found himself grappling with the aftermath of injury, a silent testament to the fragility of pride and dignity. Doctor Keith's silence regarding your presence only added to the enigma, leaving Levi to wonder how he could have missed you amidst the bustling life of the camp.

Avoidance became a silent dance, each step carefully choreographed to maintain a respectful distance. Your presence, a specter haunting the edges of his consciousness, held a power he could not fully comprehend. In the quiet of his tent, amid the pages of Jaegerist histories, Levi found himself confronted by the echoes of his former life, the weight of his injuries a constant reminder of his humanity.

The evening air beckoned, a whisper of possibility amidst the confines of Levi's solitude. The invitation from Jelena, though well-intentioned, only served to underscore the divide between Levi and the world around him. The heaviness of gazes, the unspoken expectations, weighed heavily upon his shoulders as he turned away, retreating into the sanctuary of his tent once more.

Yet, fate had other plans, it seemed, as the evening unfolded in unexpected ways. The view from the spot Jelena had suggested offered a breathtaking panorama of the sunset, a riot of colors dancing across the sky. And there, across the river, stood you, a figure bathed in the fading light.

Levi's approach was hesitant, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken tension that hung between you.

"Captain Levi."


Your response was clipped, a reflection of the unease that simmered beneath the surface. Levi's attempts at conversation felt stilted, the weight of his own insecurities casting a shadow over the interaction. Yet, there was something in your gaze, a spark of defiance, that intrigued him, drawing him closer despite himself.

In the silence that followed, Levi found himself drawn to the details of your presence—the curve of your cheek, the tension in your brow—each one a testament to the stories etched upon your skin. Your fear was palpable, a mirror to his own, yet there was something else there, a resilience that spoke of battles fought and scars borne.

"Do I scare you, kid?"

"I'm not a kid."

The exchange held a quiet intensity, a meeting of souls in the fading light of day.

"Levi," he corrected, a gentle reminder of the humanity that lingered beneath the facade of titles and reputations. In your eyes, he saw a reflection of his own doubts, a shared understanding that transcended words.

As you retreated into the fading light, Levi watched, a sense of longing stirring within him. The distance between you, though physical, felt somehow insurmountable, a reminder of the chasm that separated your worlds.

"It's Levi," he called after you, a whisper carried on the evening breeze.

And in that moment, amidst the quiet of the evening, Levi found himself reaching across the divide, a tentative bridge forged in the fragile moments of connection.

"It's (Y/N), by the way," you murmured softly before disappearing into the gathering shadows, leaving Levi with the echo of your name lingering in the air.

Levi's breath caught at the sound of your name, a whisper that lingered in the air long after you had gone, leaving him to contemplate the significance of the encounter.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now