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gasp. His gaze held a profound curiosity, leaving you baffled by the intensity of his reaction to your words. As he brushed strands of raven hair from his face, you found yourself captivated by the subtle movements, your eyes tracing every contour of his features. An inexplicable force seemed to tether you to Levi Ackerman, a connection defying rational explanation.

Unable to decipher the thoughts racing through Levi's mind, you refrained from probing further. What had caused such astonishment in him? Why did your words evoke such a visceral response? Tension coiled in your shoulders, rendering you speechless.

"You... sing?"

A prolonged silence lingered between you, punctuated only by the soft hum of the evening air. You observed him intently, your gaze fixating on his mouth, lips slightly parted in inquiry. A crimson hue adorned the inside of his lower lip, tempting you with thoughts of its taste. Shaking off the reverie, you struggled to comprehend the allure he held over you.

"I do."

"What do you sing, exactly?"

Levi's impatience was palpable, as if your response held profound significance to him. You couldn't fathom how a trivial conversation about your peculiar habit had sparked such keen interest in him. Had he overheard you?

"I... don't know exactly. I've asked others who found me, but Jelena refused to tell me. Other times, I've been too embarrassed to ask."

Levi fell silent, his gaze returning to the floor as he contemplated your words. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he appeared lost in thought.

"What is it?"

"I think I've heard you."

A shiver ran down your spine at his admission, a chill of unease settling in your bones. Not embarrassment, but curiosity gripped you. Perhaps Levi Ackerman would finally unveil the mystery of your somnambulant serenades. However, the furrow of his brow hinted at deeper complexities, injecting a sense of disquiet into your being.

"Could you... would you mind telling me what I sang about?"

Levi regarded you with warmth, his furrowed brow reflecting his confusion mingled with a genuine desire to understand. For a fleeting moment, you found solace in his shared bewilderment, as if the two of you were destined to navigate this enigmatic terrain together.

"You do know who Ymir is?"

"Yes, I've heard the stories. I've heard about Eren."

"Do you know anyone else named Ymir?"


Levi's lips parted once more, this time tinged with concern rather than curiosity. Scratching the back of his neck, he appeared deep in thought.

"Maybe it's just... dreaming. It doesn't have to be more than that."

"It is strange, though..."

"Yes, it is."

Levi gestured for you to resume your seat, a silent invitation for closeness. As you complied, cradling your cheeks in your hands, elbows resting on your thighs, you couldn't shake the unsettling feeling gnawing at your insides. The urge to unravel this mystery clawed at your mind, yet the notion of dismissing it as mere dream seemed nauseating.

"I... don't know how to explain this, but... I feel like there's more to this. I don't think it's just a dream. And, to be frank with you, I'm usually pretty skeptical—dammit, I read... science books!"

Levi offered a soft smile, his gaze unwavering as you fixed your eyes on the ground. Encouraged by his silent support, you continued.

"I know it seems crazy, but... I've been having these sleepwalking episodes for years, ever since I've been wearing this pendant." Clutching the stone tightly, you met Levi's gaze. "I'm not even sure when I started wearing it; it's been so many years."

Levi widened his stare, oscillating between your pendant and your hand. Meeting your gaze once more, he appeared incredulous.

"You... don't remember where it came from?"


"Have you... ever taken it off?"

"Not that I can remember."

Levi frowned in disbelief, and you couldn't shake the creeping doubt that he might deem you insane. Doubts assailed your mind, questioning your actions preceding this moment. Why had you never removed the necklace before? Was it a subconscious choice, a reluctance to sever the tether to your past? Had you ever questioned it at all?

A solitary tear traced a path down your cheek, swiftly concealed by your trembling hand. Fear gripped you, a gnawing anxiety that Levi might dismiss your words as delusions, rendering you an outcast. Yet, as warmth enveloped your hand, you looked up to find Levi's gentle gaze, a beacon of understanding in the storm.

"I promise we will figure this out."

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now