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It's Wednesday, which means I can no longer fake being sick, otherwise my parents will take me to the doctor without protest. Much to my dismay, I wander down the halls of school and get immediately embraced by Chae-Won and Eun-Ji who leave the group of boys they were standing with.

"Girl I'm so glad you're back! Jake's nagging my ears off" She points at the brown-haired boy and I chuckle softly. They've been having quarrels, but I think it's mostly because he likes her. Eun-Ji nods and then leans closer to whisper in my ear. "Actually... Sunghoon's been asking about you non-stop, he said he can't reach you." 

Ahn, yes. I turned off my phone when the calls became my new will to die, but before I made that decision, I called my best friends to explain to them what had happened. They weren't happy, not at all, but I think they can still tolerate the other guys.

They give a pitying look, but I carelessly shrug. He's not my priority right now. With a lingering worried look, they start walking again, but stop suddenly when a thought wants to leave Eun-Ji's mouth. 

"Heeseung told me he apologised to you yesterday. I'm glad he skipped school for a good reason, he really surprised me." She says and I can now confirm that she was not the one who sent him. At least he does have the heart where it belongs.

Chae-Won nods enthusiastically as she tells me she didn't even believe it at first. I'm glad she gets along well with them. They walk back to the group and I just tag along, but suddenly they halt again, startling me. Chae-Won's head swings in my direction.

"Do you want to stand with them or just stay with us? Everything's fine with you and them now, but you and Sunghoon... well, he's a backstabbing bitch that-"

"Calm down Chae-won. I know what he did, but I can just ignore him. That doesn't mean I can't join the others, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness." She blows out some air and then nods rapidly. "Right, my mistake, sorry. But he still needs to-"


"Sorry ma'am" She mockingly salutes and I chuckle, approaching the boys. The number of times we have had such a conversation makes me giggle internally. I was actually surprised Chae-Won didn't immediately attack Sunghoon when I told them the news. I'm glad they respect our situation. I really do have the nicest friends.

I may seem calm and composed on the outside, but my nerves are high. Will Sunghoon talk to me today or not?  

"Hey" I whisper softly and within a second they all start apologising, except for one who's too busy frowning at his phone and eventually he even leaves to take a call. Sunghoon is so confusing sometimes. For some reason my shoulders sag with my heart. The boys look at me regretfully and guiltily, but I just kindly wave it off.

They really didn't do much wrong, just acted weird to me, but I'm glad they apologised.

"Noona, we're really sorry..." Ni-ki takes me in a hug, not daring to let go. I awkwardly pat his back and finally he lets go after I let him know I was struggling to catch my breath.

"It's fine, don't worry. I forgive you" Sending them a sincere smile, a sudden wind flies past me and in an instant they all attack me in a hug and I feel incredibly overwhelmed. This is a little too close for my personal space, so thankfully Eun-Ji lets me know that I can't breathe again. These guys are really strong huggers. 

My eyes wander to Sunghoon who disappears around the corner, still with his phone pressed to his ear. He doesn't look happy at all and I curse myself for wondering who makes him feel bad. Why should I care?

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

We all know I hate biology, but if there's one thing that comes close, it's PE. I have the stamina, just not the motivation and since it's too cold outside, we share the gym with the boys. 

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