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Struggling out of his grip, he only smiles when he feels my gaze on him. "You looked like a lost puppy, I already know what happened, rumours travel fast in this school." He drags out the last part and, much to my dismay, makes me sit by pushing against my shoulders as soon as we reach the table. So the whole school already knows about the Heeseung/Chae-Won/Eun-Ji situation, great!

For some reason, I avoid eye contact with an already looking Sunghoon. I'm a bit nervous around him, especially since last weekend. I don't know why I let Sunoo drag me here, but here I am, sitting awkwardly at their table.

After sitting me down, Sunoo walks around the table and takes his original seat again, swinging his legs over the chair. I feel the gazes of each of them pierce through me as if they are looking into my soul, but they don't appear confused, it's as if they already knew I'd be here.

Breaking the unpleasant atmosphere, I place my hands on the round table. "Thanks Sunoo, but I don't think that's such a good idea-" Feeling guilty, I start to stand up, but am pushed down again by two gentle hands from Jay. "Absolutely not, where else will you go without making a fool of yourself?" I frown at his remark, but deep down I know I would look like a loner sitting alone.

"Jay's right, either you're a third wheel or you are ignored." I turn my body to look at a chatting Chae-Won with her classmates and when our gazes meet, she sends me a confused face and I slowly shrug my shoulders hoping she understands the position their discussion has put me in, then I look at Eun-Ji who's already too engrossed in Heeseung, ew.

"Look at them, they're almost glued together" Ni-ki comments, disgust written on his face as all his friends follow my line of sight. They're all either watching with disinterest or disapproval with disgust. This makes me a little confused. I thought they took victory in the number of girls he dates.

"Aren't you happy for him? I thought you guys were always pleased when he gets a new girl every week..." I mumble, feeling a certain pair of eyes deep on my skin, making it flush a little. I decide to take out my lunchbox and open the lid, as I have no choice but to eat here.

Jungwon looks offended and swallows his food before opening his mouth. "Heeseung's a good friend, but that doesn't mean we support his actions."

"Yeah, we've been looking for someone who could change his dating vision, but nope...I don't get how all these girls still want him?" Jake emphasises the last sentence by moving his fork in the air and having a look of disbelief as he thinks to himself.

"Don't cry because his game's stronger than yours" Sunoo adds and the boys burst into laughter. I chuckle along and notice that Jake is a bit sulky and starts his food with little energy, such a contrast to him in class earlier. His mouth opens and closes as he chews slowly, dramatising the motions. "Very funny Sunoo" he sends him a death glare, but that doesn't seem to sway Sunoo's delightful smile.

Feeling a soft hand brush against mine on the table, I can do nothing but look into the owner's soft eyes. Sunghoon starts whispering, but Jay speaks for the whole table, catching our attention and making us look at him. "What's up with Mi-Yeon?" 

We follow his gaze and a few tables away the fashionable, popular girl is seated, sending daggers to our table with her eyes. Her manicured nails grip her tray, turning her knuckles white.

"I don't know, she looks pretty pissed, Ni-ki, did you prank her again?" The youngest raises his hands in defence. "Not this time Jungwon, I promise." Prank? Oh, whatever, you can expect anything from these guys.

As I think, it might cause problems that I'm sitting here. I already get weird looks from students and I don't think this makes my image look better.

Shrugging their shoulders, they continue swallowing down their meal and I also quickly jab my pasta with my fork, getting curious glances from them."Is something wrong?" Sunghoon speaks for the first time and I stop halfway through eating my pasta. "Hm?" With eyes wide open, I give them an awkward smile.

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