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Since it's now Sunday, it means I have to train with Sunghoon again, normally we train during the week right after school but something came up for him so we decided to train this weekend. 

Hanging out with Sunoo yesterday night really eased my mind a little. We went to a playground and sat on some swings drinking banana milk while talking about the most random things. He's a very bubbly and open person, so it didn't take long for me to eventually feel better. But the moment I snuck back into my house, the reality of that day hit me again.

My parents were gone and left a single note. They said they had to go back for work, but wanted to talk to me again. I cried and cried in the empty, hollow house and every time I walked past that damn table, that memory kept haunting me.

It's now very early and the fog is spreading across the land when I finally reach the ice rink. Our training last week was enough to finally try out tricks on the ice. A little nervous, I enter with droopy eyes and a runny nose from the cold. Sunghoon's already skating on the ice and I wonder how much earlier he got here because I'm not late for our meeting. 

He skates to the railing when he sees me arriving and leans over it with a silly, soft smile. "Hey" After our last training session, we became a bit closer than before, now back to the comfortable friendship we were building.

"Hey" I mumble back with a faint smile and walk towards the changing rooms, but a frowning Sunghoon skates towards the exit of the rink and as soon as he steps off the ice he's right in front of me so I have no choice but to look up. And what a mistake that was.

Unwittingly, he cups my cheeks as concern gleams in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I get a sense of déjà vu from our last training session, but now the roles are reversed.

I flinch slightly at his sudden touch, but he softly caresses both my cheeks with his fingertips to somehow reassure me. My eyes are probably still red and I do my best not to break down. A loving father is supposed to caress his daughter's face, not hit it.

He waits patiently for my answer and I clear my throat. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

His lips tug upwards and he stops his movements, now poking my left cheek. "Then who is nothing? I'll gladly beat him up if I have to." When he throws back my words, I can't help but chuckle as a lone tear somehow seems to escape. Sunghoon's face looks worried again as he wipes away my tear. He doesn't really know what to do, but then removes his hands from my face.

As if everything is a replay of next week, he hesitantly spreads his arms. His sweatshirt and especially his arms look comfortable, the way he seems to care about me makes me feel warm on the inside. I didn't know he was this understanding and caring.

Swallowing, I do not hesitate to walk into his embrace as his arms comfort me snugly. Unable to hold back, I sob into his grasp. He pats my back in a comforting manner and nudges my head with his cheek.

We sway gently back and forth. I feel embarrassed and stupid, so I detach myself from the hug and quickly blink my eyes in an attempt to get a clearer view. "I'm sorry..."

He just gives me a small, understanding smile and then is reluctant to mumble the next few words, but decides to ask them anyway. "Would you maybe... like to talk about it?"

Do I want to? I don't feel he's close enough to me to already know about my family situation, but then again for some reason I feel very comfortable with him. Something that doesn't often happen to me with new friendships. Deciding to shake my head, I rub away the remaining tears under my eyes.

"Not now, maybe another time" He nods and then I chuckle dryly at the awkward silence. He must think I'm weird. "I better go get my skates, I'll be here in a minute" I point to the changing rooms, but his hand wraps around my elbow and gently guides me back. "I don't think it's a good idea to go skating when you're clearly not feeling well. We can do it another time."

His words sound so convincing and my momentary pause betrays what I want to say. I think he's right and he sees my struggle to choose written on my face. I just don't want to disappoint him. Even if this is just a deal, I don't think it really is at this point anymore. We've created memories that are not just part of a deal, but part of a new friendship, of someone I'm slowly starting to care about, even if I didn't want to at first.

As if he can read my mind, he utters something. "We still have plenty of time, don't worry. We're actually slightly ahead of schedule, so it's really no big deal."

This is what convinces me to give in and I slowly begin to agree with him until another thought comes to mind. "What about your trainer? Won't she get mad if we skip training?"

He shrugs and sits down on a bench near the exit of the rink, loosening his skates. "We can just reschedule our training, so nothing will be lost. Besides, she doesn't know so it'll be fine. Just trust me." His eyes are filled with sincerity as he looks up and a single lock falls on his face before he shakes it away. After a long moment of consideration, I silently agree and let him persuade me.

"What if we..." He picks up his skates and starts putting on his shoes that were in his bag next to the bench. Once he has them on, he stands up. "Finish our biology project and then I'll take you somewhere? To make you feel better of course" he quickly adds as he gathers his belongings together while his face is a little pink from the cold.

"Maybe we can do that, yeah." I still feel as drowsy as ever but somehow he managed to cheer me up in this little moment. Grinning, he walks past me and does something unexpected as he ruffles through my hair. "Cheer up sunshine" he teasingly mutters the last part with a contorted face and I frown my eyebrows connecting two and two.

"Are you mocking Ye-Jun?" I chuckle at his obvious dislike of the nickname. He scoffs as he stows his skates in his locker while I walk along, trying to see his expression. "Me? I'd never" There is some sassiness behind his tone and I can't help but laugh at it. Nudging his shoulder, his expression seems to soften at the sight of my smile as he watches me with a bemused look.

"Shall we go? I can't wait to finish biology." There is obvious irony weaved into my voice, as he's now the one laughing. Little did I know he could make me feel better just by hearing him laugh. Agreeing with my suggestion, we wander towards the exit, until the screeching of his shoes brings us to a halt.

"Wait" His face drops and he looks down. He's wearing black joggers and I don't see the sudden sadness in that. "I can't go out like this" A cute little pout adorns his face and I do my best not to laugh at his earnest discussion of changing his training clothes.

I shrug. "Why not? Half the world's population doesn't even leave their homes and the other half walks around in leggings, besides, you look good in black" I say as a matter of fact and his cheeks seem to colour a deeper shade of pink. He gazes at me with uncertainty, but then I take his hand so he can walk with me and not just stand there in his endless dilemma.

A cheeky smirk appears on his face and I'm preparing myself for what he has to say next. 

"You complimented me"

I did? Oh yeah, I did. Blushing, I look down and finally let go of his hand that I apparently still had in mine. "Do you know what that means?" he presses on and I bite my lip trying to suppress a laugh.

"That means, and I quote, 'Friends compliment each other, right?'" His lips stretch into a smile and I pull up my nose in embarrassment. I don't know where his sudden boldness comes from, but I think he's just trying his best to cheer me up. Gently slapping his chest, he suddenly doubles over with laughter. For some reason, he finds this very funny and I can't help but burst into a fit of laughter upon hearing his, it's addictive.

"You know what Dahlia? I think you're right about one thing. Friends do compliment each other." It feels like his sentence is unfinished in the way he speaks, but I allow myself to give him a genuine, soft smile. I like this. This day is getting better and I never thought Sunghoon would be the reason for that.


Wow, someone is actually reading this book. I hope you guys like it. It's a slowburn, so that's why they both act like Adrien Agreste.😭

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