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Huddled in a warm café where we are studying, we cannot even look at each other or we burst into laughter. For some reason, we are very giggly today, so as I write down my answer and our gazes meet, I press my lips together so the laughter doesn't slip out. 

His expression is the same as he tries his best not to let his laughter escape. With a slight smile, I take a sip of the hot chocolate we ordered. The place is so cosy and small. There are some fairy lights hung up and most of the furniture is wooden. There are splashes of warm red and green in the cushions and decorations, which gives me a lot of Christmas vibes.

"What did you write down for question 6?" He asks while licking his lips after taking a bite of his cookie. We decided to split the rest of our assignment and then copy each other's half because it would be easier. Since the teacher wanted both our examples and not just one of the same work, very logical, I know, right?

Turning my paper over so he can read it instead of twisting his head in an inhuman way, he thanks me and takes my paper placing it next to his. Leaning my head on my hand, I wait for him to finish writing, but when I glance up, I see that he's far too focused on copying my answer that he pays no attention to me. 

Mishieviously grinning, I grab my pen and decorate the side of his book with little smiley faces as some drawings were already there. I add some cute hearts and two stick figures of me and Sunghoon skating. Pulling my arm away before he sees the creation, I grin and try not to be suspicious.

"Thanks," he says after handing the paper back to me with a concentrated frown and a gentle smile. "I have question 7 you wanna copy?" He hands me the sheet, already knowing my answer and I nod. This is the last question and then we are finally done. Biology really sucks.

"You did well" he remarks as I almost finish writing down the answer. Looking through my eyelashes, I raise one eyebrow. "We did well. I don't want to run with all the glory" He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, he's actually quite modest. I didn't think he would also be this smart or care about his grades. Maybe I linked him too much to stereotypes.

"Dahlia?" Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I do not take my eyes off the sheets until I finish my last sentence. Looking up, I am met by his gaze. "Yeah?" I close my book and zip up my pencil case, waiting for him to say something, but he seems a little nervous. Turning his empty drink in his hands, he stammers out some words.

"You still want me to take you somewhere?" It's a soft sound, almost a whisper, and a smile tugs at the corner of my lips. "Of course, that's what you were going to do, wasn't it? Or do you need to go home?" My smile slowly sinks at the thought of that, but his face lights up. "No no, not at all, come on let's go" He grabs his things and I pack mine, forgetting the little drawings I made for him.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

He's now taking me to a place where I can apparently clear my mind, his words not mine. He said it would be a short walk and I'm glad of that because it's getting colder by the minute and the sun could set and disappear behind the horizon at any moment. A gentle breeze blows past us and for some reason I feel very fulfilled. I'm grateful to be here and to forget my problems for a while.

We're now off the street, near the park surrounded by the forest. The rays of the setting sun shine through the trees, it's so pretty.

"Be careful" he mumbles as he holds some branches away from my face and I'm a little confused. "You're not planning on killing me in the forest, are you?" I add into the conversation with an uncertain, humourous smile, but he chuckles, clearly denying that option. The two of us follow the path that tourists and regular people take when they want a nice walking route, but then he splits off the path to the left and I can only follow him blindly.

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