29| Han & Lee Charity Event

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Jisung checked his appearance in the mirror one last time before sighing. He was wearing a suit and tie. He hated the formal look but he had no choice this time. His father called yesterday to remind him about the charity event tonight. He wasn't planning on going and even made an excuse on why he couldn't go but it was hopeless.

Now that Han Corp was collaborating with Lee Industries, the two companies were holding a charity event to show off their good working relationship. Jisung didn't understand the need to make such a big statement or get the public's approval, but according to his father, it was a big deal and the perfect opportunity for good publicity.

"Ji, are you ready?" Felix asked, leaning against the doorframe and poking his head inside the room.

Jisung glanced back at his brother before nodding.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he said.

"You look handsome," Felix complimented.

He walked into the room to fix his brother's tie before patting down Jisung's collar. Jisung pressed his lips together in a tight smile. He really didn't feel like a whole night of socializing with people. Especially people who were mainly money-grabbing golddiggers or annoying wannabe business partners. It was exhausting. Forcing Jisung to act a certain way, be polite, talk business, and keep a cordial smile on his face the entire time.

"You look good too," Jisung said, eyeing Felix's casual black suit. 

He didn't bother with a necktie or bowtie, even leaving a button open so he could breathe and move freely. Just like his twin, Felix much preferred comfort over fashion. Except tonight they both had to look their best, though Felix had more leeway than Jisung did seeing as how the latter was the CEO and Felix was just his younger brother and the second child of Han Hajoon.

"Nervous?" Felix asked knowingly.

"Hm," Jisung hummed honestly.

"Just an hour or two, you don't have to stay the whole night," Felix reassured him. "Dad promised and I'll be with you and so will Hyunjinie and Yeji. Besides, Yoongi hyung also texted saying that he and Hobi hyung would make an appearance sometime."

Jisung released a small breath.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. I'm fine," he said, mostly so Felix would stop worrying about him.

"Are we taking your car or mine?"

A click sounded before the front door to their apartment opened and closed.

"Neither, our driver is here," Jisung said.

Hyunjin rounded the corner to the bedroom, stopping in the doorway and waving a hand with a bright smile.

"You two ready to go?"

"Since when did the Hwang Hyunjin become our driver?" Felix suppressed a laugh.

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