16| Returning To The Studio

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It was another cold winter's day with a chilly breeze outside and a high chance of snowfall. The perfect day to just hide away in the studio and make music. In Jisung's opinion, he hated days like this the most. He'd much rather be in bed or bundled in a blanket on the couch. But he'd been procrastinating for two weeks already so here he was ready to put his brain and emotions to work.

He swung open the studio door and stepped inside. He set his backpack down in the corner of the room before stretching his arms out and lolling his head to the side tiredly. This was probably the last thing he felt like doing but he needed it. He needed his normality back. After everything that happened these past few weeks, Jisung wanted to get settled into his old routine again.

He pulled out the office chair and slumped down in it. The desk in front of him held his laptop, several notebooks, a pencil, and a pen. All the things he needed to simply make music and let his creativity flow. He already had a rough idea of a few lyrics he'd gathered every day he couldn't be in his studio. Putting them all together, he had a decent song worth composing and producing. No, not decent. Pretty damn good since this was his heart he'd poured out onto a lonely piece of paper. A sad song that fixated on every emotion his breakup and marriage had made him feel so far.

If Jisung thought about it. Heartbreak and struggles were what made most songwriters and singers release the best kind of music. He'd gone through a few struggles in his two decades of being alive but never a heartbreak. Not until now that is. He could never relate to other artists when they sang so emotionally that it made them cry on stage just by remembering the pain of their experiences. It was different now since Jisung was still hurting inside. He felt a strange numbness toward the man who he was sure would be his future, his everything, but who was now his nothing at all.

Jisung sighed as he opened his laptop up and double-clicked on a program that he always used. He listened to some solid beats and a few quiet rhythms. He mismatched some things before getting a basic concept of what he wanted. A few more lyrics came to mind as he did this and quickly he wrote them down before they disappeared from his head.

An hour went by...

Three hours...

Four hours...

On the fifth hour, a knock sounded at the studio door. He didn't hear it since he had his headphones on. Jisung had completely lost track of time. He was consumed in the zone of raw emotions and building a song from empty words to something so much more. He hummed in his own little world as the studio door behind him slowly opened.



"Hey! Han Jisung!"


A small push at his shoulder shoved Jisung forward in his chair and his headphones dropped around his neck. His eyes widened and he jumped a little from being startled. He clutched at his heart and released a breath when he saw who it was.

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