06| Sticky Situation

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Minho watched as his big brother paced the living room, up and down, silently going out of his mind as the vein in his neck became prominent. He was so ready to lose it and just yell at Minho in an outburst. Out of anger or disbelief, not even Jin himself knew. Though he tried hard to remain calm and use a low tone.

"So, you have absolutely no idea how this happened?"

"No clue," Minho replied.

"Zero memories of last night at all?"

"Not enough to make sense of anything."

Jin turned around with a shaky finger pointed at Minho. He couldn't believe his brother's attitude right now. So nonchalant, so casual. It was like he was saying he couldn't remember what he had for lunch yesterday and not how he accidentally got a whole damn husband.

"Oppa!" Jisoo called Jin from behind Minho. She gestured with her hands for him to take a deep breath. Jin reluctantly swallowed his words. He closed his eyes for a second and listened to his sister. Deep breathe. In and out. When Jin looked at Minho again he was forcing a smile onto his face.


"Minho-yah..." Jin said his name in the softest way possible. "We need to figure this out, okay? Just tell hyung what you remember then. Everything and anything. Just think."

Minho looked up at Jisoo who was sitting beside him on the back of the couch. She smiled reassuringly at him as she placed a hand down on his shoulder.

To Minho, he didn't understand the big deal. He was an adult already. He could easily take care of this and fix his own drunken mistakes. But to his siblings, this was a big deal. A very, very big deal. This wasn't just their little brother having a random one-night stand with a complete stranger. No, this was their little brother drunkenly getting married to a complete stranger.

"I don't remember much," Minho admitted. "I went to one of the nightclubs Chan hyung suggested. I had a few too many drinks and got pretty drunk-"

"No shit!" Jin exclaimed.

"Oppa!" Jisoo scolded with a small shove to his shoulder.

Minho looked between the two.

"Sorry, please continue," Jin sighed.

"I was about to take a taxi home when I bumped into someone. We started to dance together and afterwards... "

"Afterwards... Afterwards what?" Jin pressed eagerly. "What happened then?"

Minho shrugged. 

"I don't remember, hyung. Really, I'm sorry," he apologized. "I have no idea what happened after that. I only know that I woke up in a hotel room this morning with one killer hangover. I can't remember a single thing after we danced together but I do know that at some point we booked a room together."

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