Chapter 20

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“You seem distracted.” Sebastian noted, eyes on me.

“I’m just taking in the view.” I kind of lied. I was awing at the mesmerizing view of New York’s skyline, but my head was miles away. When he said we would have dinner on a yacht, I thought he was kidding, but indeed, he rented a whole yacht for us. Yet I couldn't fully enjoy it.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around me. “We both know that’s a lie.” He claimed, studying me. “What’s wrong?”


“Vivian …”

I sighed, trying to relax a little in his arms. “I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.” That's the understatement of the century. I kept replaying in my head the last conversation Chris and I had, wondering whether I overreacted, whether I could have been more understanding. 

“A problem shared is a problem halved.” Sebastian mused.

I half smiled, turning around in his arms. “You’re so kind.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Maybe too good to be true.” Yet I'm here thinking about a man that's lied to me for ten years.

“You think I’m hiding something?”

I pursed my lips, unsure whether I should even bring up the subject, since it’s more than likely that this … whatever is it, is going to end the moment I tell him I leave for London in about 10 days. I couldn’t even blame him. We’ve only been going out for a little more than a week. Who would wait 4 months for someone they’re not even calling their girlfriend yet? “Well, I still don’t know what you do for a living.”

Sebastian laughed. “You assume it’s something criminal?”

“I mean …” I raked my hand through his hair on the back of his head. “You have a penthouse, you can go pretty much anywhere even on short notice. And now you rented a whole yacht for us.” I shrugged. “My friend Beth thinks you’re a Woods.”

Sebastian clouded over for a moment. He may have not intended for me to see it, but there was something odd in his eyes at the sole mention of the Woods family. As if brushed a raw nerve. Maybe he’s really Julia Woods’ son but they don’t get along? Or maybe he’s the cadet son, the one that gets nothing because everything goes to the firstborn – nah, that’s a Jane Austen era kind of mess.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” I said, afraid I’d made him think of unpleasant things.

He shook his head, and a smile slowly crept up on his face. “You never have to be sorry, Vivian.” He kissed me a little deeper than before, his hands sliding down my back, until they reached my buttocks, which he caressed gently. “The time with you has been the most wonderful I could ever ask for.”

Why did that sound like foreshadowing for a breakup? “Same here,” I smiled, “it hasn’t been long, but it’s certainly been nice.” No lie there. Even with the whole mess with Chris, spending time with Sebastian pretty much kept me sane. 

Laura is my best friend, but her rants against Chris did me no good, and because her fiancé is his close friend as well, and they were starting to argue about this whole thing, I decided I would make myself scarce for some time. Shane didn't want to take sides, so he hasn't asked questions, and Beth's sole response was trying to convince me to go clubbing, get super drunk and move on. Says that's her heartbreak remedy.

I’d have slept at Beth’s, she offered, but truth is, I’ve mostly been with Sebastian. I barely even went home, in fear I’d see Chris, even though Adam says his brother hasn’t been much around either. It’s only been 4 days, a lot of water under the bridge needs to pass until I can even consider reopening communications. Right now, my door is completely shut for him.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now