Chapter 24

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When I woke up, I felt dizzy. Blinking my eyes open, the first thing I saw was a neon light, which made me realize I was lying in a bed. "What ..."

"Oh, thank God, you're awake!" I recognized Laura's voice immediately, despite her frantic tone.

"What happened?" I murmured, my voice hoarse, wincing a little when she jumped into my arms, kind of squeezing my bones.

"You were involved in a car crash." Nick's pragmatic tone interjected, and I spotted him behind his fiancée.

"Oh." I closed my eyes, feeling a sharp headache mounting. "I was ... what about Sebastian?" I asked when Laura finally pulled back.

"He's ok," Nick said, "just a couple of broken bones," he pursed his lips, "you got the worst of it, Viv."

Painedly, I sat up on the bed, wincing at every single step. My back was hurting, either because of this accident or because this one woke up the old pain. "Where is he now?"

"He was released a couple of days later," Nick said, taking Laura in his arms when she started crying.

"Lala, I'm fine. Really."

She didn't speak, was too busy sobbing, so her fiancée answered for her as he cuddled her. "It's the pregnancy hormones," he cracked a small smile, placing a light kiss on her hair, "every emotion is multiplied in force."

I nodded, grabbing her hand. "I'm okay." I really was. I felt disoriented and confused as to what actually happened, since the last thing I remembered was Sebastian speeding down a tunnel. Sure, a lot of my bones hurt, but I was overall fine.

"You've been sleeping for a week." Laura sobbed. "A whole week!"

I blinked my eyes, marveled. But more than anything, the idea of having lost my London opportunity hit me really hard. All it took was one single accident. Even though, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to it than that. Sebastian knew the person following us, I'm sure. The question is, who was it? And why were they pretty much trying to make our car crash?

"Babe, why don't we get some fresh air?" Nick suggested, holding his fiancée.

"I'm fine."

"I know, but ... we've been here a long time. I'm sure Viv won't mind." He sent me a meaningful look, as if asking me to agree. She's almost 4 months pregnant, this is the phase where she needs to avoid stressful situations.

I nodded immediately as I squeezed her hand. "Your ugly-crying might scare off patients here." I stuck my tongue out to her, trying to cheer her up.

It seemed to work, because she smiled the slightest, and wiped her tears a bit. "I swear, next time you give me such a scare, I'll kill you first." Laura threatened.

I chuckled. "That would be counterproductive, wouldn't it?" I joked.

She came over to hug me one more time. "I love you so much, Viv."

My smile widened as I patted her back, as much as my sore muscles allowed me to. "I love you, too, Lala." I kissed her hair. "Go freshen up, if he sees the mess your face is right now, Nick might reconsider the wedding." I teased.

He laughed. "Oh, I've seen her in way worse conditions," he winked when she sent him a dirty look upon pulling back.

All three of us laughed, Laura still holding my hand. She gave me a doubtful look. "I'll be back soon."

"I'm not moving." I joked, but she was serious. "Hey, I'm fine, Lala, I am. Get some fresh air, it'll do you good." It warms my heart to know that I have such a dedicated and protective friend. We're basically sisters.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now