Chapter 10

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"You're cheerful today." Chris noted, eyeing me carefully as I pretty much waltzed through the kitchen while preparing breakfast.

"Am I?" I tried to remain serious, but the grin on my face certainly gave me away.

"Yeah, very." He frowned.

I smiled. "I guess I am."

"Any reason in particular?"

You mean besides the fact that I spent an incredible night with a wonderful guy? Sebastian is smart, funny, and more importantly considerate. Believe it or not, even after he took me to one of the most famous restaurants in the city, after he insisted to pay for me, after we spent together an unbelievably romantic night ... he didn't expect sex in return. A man enjoying your company just for the sake of it, not rushing to hit jackpot. I gotta say, even though my dating experience isn't that wide, this was a first.


I shook my head to wipe that telltale grin off my face as I thought of Sebastian. "It's a sunny day in February, not even that cold. Of course, I'm in a good mood." I lied through my teeth.

And of course, Chris didn't buy it. "Weather? You really wanna tell me you're all smiles today because of the weather?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I shrugged. "What else could it be?"

"What did you do last night?" He inquired. Oddly enough, he hadn't moved from the kitchen table yet, he was staring at me, evidently trying to read through me. But I couldn't let him learn about Sebastian, not yet.

I know, I know, I should not lie this like to my best friend, but I really don't want Chris immediately starting to inquire about Sebastian or worse, scare him off, when I don't even know what's really between us. In the end, it was just one date, there's no certainty that more will follow. He did ask for my number, and I gave it, but I don't hold many hopes.

"Nothing special." I answered, placing two plates of waffles on the table – blueberries for him, banana for me.

Chris eyed breakfast, suspicious. "You're eating breakfast."

"How is that weird?" I laughed, taking a bit of my waffle.

"No, I mean, you were on a diet until yesterday, today you're eating waffles, toasts, and everything else. You're having a proper breakfast."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

He shrugged. "Depends on the reason."

I rolled my eyes. "Chris, make up your mind," I chuckled, "you're not happy if I don't eat, you're not happy if I do eat."

"I just can't figure you out today," he came a bit closer, to study me, "and that's a first."

Damnit. He looked so worried, I couldn't lie for much longer. "I'm fine." I smiled, well aware that he was gonna bust me.

"But you're hiding something." Case in point.

Thankfully, his phone rang, and because it was his office, Chris had to take it. A few minutes later he left, because his boss needed him. As soon as he closed the front door, I sighed a sigh of relief for the first time ever when it comes about him. I really don't want to lie to my best friend, but my dating history tells me I should first of all see if Sebastian is worth the trouble I'm going to have to go through with Chris interrogating him.

As if on cue, I got a message from the man himself. Nothing much, just Central Park coordinates and a time. Any more clues? I sent. I should have cleaned up, and head out for work, but I couldn't help waiting for a reply. Anxious, I tapped my foot on the floor, biting the corner of my lip.

Luckily, the answer came in just a minute later: if I told you, I wouldn't be the mysterious gentleman you said I was

Right. Last night, I told him that. I blame the wine, it made me really tipsy and high-spirited. Or maybe it was just true, Sebastian is way too good to be true. Someone that handsome, that polite, that not only is interested in me, but that doesn't even try to just hump and dump? It's a pure miracle.

My mom always told me not to ever follow strangers to places I don't know

I sent, actually starting to head out, because if I'm late for the second day in a row, Sheryl is going to kill me, which she likely is anyway, when she hears the interview with Julia Woods failed. I almost considered calling in sick, but she'd read through the bullshit.

Sebastian: How can I be a stranger if I've known you all my life?

I giggled, then sent: have you?

Sebastian: oh, but, I met you in my dreams a long time ago

Me: We're being corny again, sir :P

Sebastian: my bad, my bad ... goddesses have a way of messing with your head, forcing you to think about them all day

Me: the day hasn't even started yet

Sebastian: technically for me it's over, I had a night shift

Is that why he didn't even ask to come upstairs when he drove me home? Did I simply romanticize this man for no reason? Even if I did, it was a nice change. I haven't flirted or flirt-texted or simply enjoy this kind of game in a long time.

I didn't reply immediately, because I'd just gotten inside my car, but right when I was about to start the engine, I got another text from Sebastian, asking for a confirm for tonight. I had to think hard about it. Chris and I made plans to Netflix & chill tonight. How can I bail on him?


"I thought you said the theme was retro," I mused, a bit worried about my attire. The only hint that Sebastian gave me about tonight was "retro theme", so I went for a dress that was inspired to the '50s.

He grinned, unhooking my arm from his only in order to grab my hand, and guide me to one of the rowboats. "You're the Jane Austen lover, you should know rowboat dates were a thing in the 19th century." He explained.

"Late 19th century," I corrected, albeit amused, "Jane Austen never wrote about such things. You're probably confusing her novels with Zola's Thérèse Raquin."

He seemed impressed for a moment, then smiled, nodding. "Literature lover all around, huh?"

I smiled back as he helped me get on the boat. "I don't particularly care for French literature, but it was part of my studies in college, yes." Looking around, I saw all the rowboats were anchored, nobody was out or was about to go out. It was near dusk, after all. "Are you sure we can do this? This place looks closed."

Sebastian nodded as he started rowing. "I told you last night, I have good friends."

"That can be said about many types of men." I teased.

"Such as?"

I shrugged, eyes on the panorama. Central Park at dusk is still a mesmerizing view, even though I've seen it several times. Then again, I've never gone on a rowboat. "Mobsters, for instance."

Sebastian laughed. "Do I look like a criminal?"

I pursed my lips, tilting my head to the side. "I still don't know your last name. Isn't that suspicious?"

He grinned, nodding. "Woodthorne." He said. "My full name is Sebastian L. Woodthorne."

"What does the L stand for?"

"Ah, one question at a time, Miss Vivian, remember our pact?"

I chuckled, nodding. Part of me regretted lying to Chris about this, telling him the window shopping for the wedding with Laura and Beth had gone on more than expected and we would have dinner together. The other ... well, the other could only contemplate how the reddish light of the sunset hit Sebastian's chiseled cheekbones so perfectly, giving him a way too perfect aura. At this point, I need to start wondering whether he's real or not.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now