Chapter 5

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"Ow!" The door hit my nose before I could even see it coming. Whoever was on the other side, having felt a hindrance, decided to push, but luckily Laura pulled me back before it could really slam me against the wall.

"Watch where you're going!" Laura reprimanded our friend Shane.

The first thing that emerged from behind the pile of boxes was the curly mop he calls hair, then his thick-rimmed glasses, and when he saw us, he frowned. "Oh, hey, girls. What's up?"

While I rubbed the bridge of my injured skin – luckily nothing serious –, Laura rolled her eyes. "You just broke Vivian's nose."

"Oh, shit, what?" Shay put down the boxes, and bent down to check my injury – he's that much taller than me, yeah, even though I'm not a dwarf. He grabbed my face, and studied my nose carefully. Did I mention Shane is a doctor? Well, almost, he's a med student.

"I'm fine." I sighed, especially because I didn't want Chris to worry – I definitely heard his footsteps inside the apartment.

"Up." Shay ordered.


He didn't repeat, just pushed my head back on his own, and inspected my nose like a proper doctor. "Shay ..." I grumbled, "I'm fine, the door barely touched me."

"What's going on?" Case in point, Chris came out of the apartment. With the corner of my eye, I could see he was staring quite intensely at me and Shay. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's jealous. But probably just worried, seeing me injured, if that's even the word I should use, since it was really nothing.

Shane chuckled, still inspecting my nose up and down. "Don't kill me, Chris, but I may or may have not hurt your Vivy. Her nose, at least."

I rolled my eyes when I saw Chris' concerned look. He wasn't angry, just worried – as anyone would be when a quasi-doctor tells you that someone you care about is hurt. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" He wondered when he appeared beside Shane, who'd just finished his interminable examination. 

"Yes." I looked at our friend. "Shay, please tell him I'm fine." Chris was already beginning to inspect my nose, as if he'd know better than a professional.

Shane laughed, nodding, as he went back to his boxes. "Yes, she's fine, it's not broken. Just put some ice on it." He grabbed the boxes, then added: "Actually, there should be a bag of frozen beans in the freezer, use that."

He barely had time to say that, Chris immediately grabbed my arm, and dragged me inside the apartment, going straight for the fridge. He took what Shane mentioned, and after having grabbed a cloth, he wrapped it around the bag of beans, then gently put it on my nose. Thanks to the cloth, I didn't feel the cold as much, but it did help with the pain.

I almost lost balance when he pressed the bag of beans harder on my nose, but Chris swiftly wrapped an arm around my waist to avoid me hitting my back against the counter. I guess he remembers my injury of a few years ago all too well: I got into a car accident that damaged my back quite a bit, I can do regular things, but it's better if I don't pick up heavy loads.

After a couple of minutes, Chris removed the bag of beans. "Better?" He asked as he stared at me.

"Yeah." I murmured. Because he watched me intently as I scratched my nose, I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, Chris."

"You sure?" I would have sworn he'd pulled me closer into his arms, but it could be my fangirl self as usual.

"Yes," I placed a hand on his chest, "it wasn't a big deal."

He smiled, then placed a small kiss on my forehead. Sadly, he let go of me. "Ok, I need to finish with the boxes, you stay here."

"I can help."

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now