Chapter 17

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《Whose phone calls or visits are never unwanted or too long? Do you see her face? Who would you most like to have in your life to ward off moments of loneliness? Do you see her face? When you travel, who would make your travels more enjoyable? Do you see her face? When you're in pain, who would you most like to comfort you? Do you see her face? When something wonderful happens in your life, a promotion at work, a successful refinancing, who do you want to share the news with? Do you see her face? Whose face appears to you, my friend? Whose face?》
- Gilmore Girls


Note: this is set before the ending of Chapter 16


I must have spent an hour just lying on my couch, thinking and not thinking at the same time. I was barely aware of my own surroundings, the only thing I could not forget was the fact that Vivian hung up on me. It might sound something normal, but she’s never done that. Even in our worst moments, even when she was so mad at me that it seemed our friendship was really hanging on by a thin thread, she never hung up on me. This was a first.

When my phone rang, I immediately sat up, hoping Vivian had changed her mind. I took the call without even reading the ID. “Vivy?”

The groan on the other side immediately shattered all my hopes. “You’re really bordering on obsession, you know?” Karen spat, already angry.

I sighed, falling back onto the couch. “What do you want?” I told her we couldn’t go on like we did, she had a whole fiancé with whom she hadn’t broken up yet. I told her not to call me again, yet here we are.

“We need to talk.”

“Karen, we talked already.” I sighed, lying on the couch. “It’s over. Hell, it should have never started to begin with.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Of course, I do.” I covered my forehead, closing my eyes. “You’re getting married.”

“What if I’m not?”

“You keep saying that, yet you never break up with your fiancé.” I pointed out. “You’re using me as a safety net, Karen, and you know that.”

“There’s nothing safe about you, Chris,” she giggled, “that’s why I’m so drawn to you.”

“Our relationship was really toxic.” I finally admitted out loud. My friends kept telling me, but I didn’t wanna hear it, I saw it too late. “You push my buttons in all the wrong ways, Karen. I’m not a good fit for you, you’re not the right person for me.”

“And who is the right person for you?” Karen scoffed. “Lady Vivian? The oh, so perfect one that’s never once strayed in her life?”

“Not this again …” I sighed. She keeps repeating that the only reason why it didn’t work between us was that I am in love with my best friend, I’m just too stubborn to admit it. According to Karen, I sabotage my own relationships not out of fear of commitment, as most men would, but because I’m unconsciously waiting for the right time when Vivian and I can finally get together.

She broke us up, Christopher.” Karen hissed, able to convey all her hatred toward my best friend, her ex-roommate, in one emphasized pronoun.

“She didn’t.” I rolled my eyes. “And you know I hate it when people use my full name.”

“But she so did,” my ex insisted, raising her voice. “We were fine together!”

“Karen, you broke up with me.” I reminded her.

“Because I thought you were screwing her!”

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now