Chapter 4

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I woke up to the loud sound of someone knocking on my front door. For a moment, I thought it could be a burglar, but the sun rays that filtered through my curtains gently hit my skin, which meant it was morning. Who would rob an apartment in broad daylight? I also thought it could be a murderer, remembering all too well the horror movie we watch late last night.

Sometimes, I think Chris enjoys these films only because he knows I'll end up taking refuge in his arms, scared. Or maybe I'm the one that keeps on watching horror movies with him because I know he'll lull me in his bear-hug.

When the loud knock on my front door was repeated, I screeched, snuggling closer into him, which woke him up. "Go back to sleep, it's still early," He grumbled, his voice drowsy.

When I moved some more, I finally got to the position I loved most (even if it might look a little creepy), namely, Chris and I facing each other, our bodies glued, him hugging me tightly, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, his head resting in between my neck and collarbone. This way I could both take in his manly scent and have him as close as possible to me. I know, I sound pathetic.

Feeling his hot breath tickle me, I giggled and he grumbled some sleepy nonsense, making me yelp as he crushed my bones by tightening his grip on me. "Uh ... Chris, I can barely breathe like this ..." I kind of complained, although I didn't really mind.

"Shouldn't have awaken me." He protested in response, his voice groggy and muffled, words slightly slurred.

"Ok, but let me breathe at least." I bargained. He slightly released his grip on me, and I could fully enjoy our perfectly perfect position. I smiled, slowly raking a hand through his hair, and when he let out a small pleasured sound, I knew he liked it.

I'd almost forgotten about the possible murderer knocking on my front door, when the bedroom one swung open, startling me. I'd have fallen off, hadn't Chris been holding me so tightly, but I did move slightly, which cause his face to go from my neck, to my boobs. He didn't seem to notice the difference, because he didn't even move.

The blonde woman at the door shook her head in disapproval, crossing her arms over her chest. "I should have known I'd find you like this." Laura commented in a reprimanding tone.

I gave her a fake innocent grin as I explained: "We uh ... we watched a horror movie, and ... I guess I fall asleep."

She rolled her eyes. "Uh huh, and I guess Mr. Knight-In-Shining-Armor picked you up and brought you to bed, so casually falling asleep snuggled up to his favorite pillow ..." Her voice was loud, meant for Chris to hear her, but her tone was also still scolding. She knows about my feelings, and she doesn't approve of this sort of tradition where Chris and I sleep in the same bed, often huddled to each other, like now. She says he only exploits this situation to have his hands all over me all the time, but I know she's wrong.

"I'm pretty comfy like this." Chris admitted, his hot breath tickling me.

"I bear you are, you groper." Laura scoffed. "You're practically buried in her boobs. What man wouldn't enjoy it?"

"Laura ..."

"Tell me, Knight, do you miss your mama? Cos you sure seem to love cuddling like a little boy." She teased.

Chris grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. I sighed, knowing they would soon start bantering as usual. They're like real siblings, always arguing over something. At first, they didn't even get along, but luckily her fiancé was Chris' roommate in college, they're like brothers.

Chris moved to lay on his back and be able to look at her – or rather, send her a dirty look. "Where did you leave that poor guy?" He wondered mockingly. "Did he finally run away?"

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now