26. Fiery Smile

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The dignified master of the "Golden Exchange", the wealthiest merchant association in Darto, exudes an aura of refined authority. Draped in rich, flowing gold robes adorned with intricate jewellery, his countenance reflects cunning wisdom and experience, marked by a well-groomed brown beard and a piercing gaze that commands respect.

In the lounge, he sips his wine as he witnesses the battle between Nelson and Loi. Several powerful warriors stand guard around him.

His mere presence decides people's fate, he is but one of the ten monsters that oversees the balance of power, Master Vinch Castor.

"Interesting...where did that power come from?" Vinch mumbles to himself. Prior investigation yields basic information that answers nothing despite the Golden Exchange information branch's notable accuracy.

"A sleeping monster? Or a lazy monster?"

To hide one's power so well is admirable. Or was it perhaps motivation from Aiden's situation that forced Loi to blossom? It doesn't matter to Vinch. Loi is a once-in-a-century treasure.

As a fiancee to Prince Julius, Mina Yvelle essentially belongs to the royal family, a neutral party in the spectrum of power in Darto, and is out of reach.

Vinch places his wine down and waves his hand. A platinum coin materialises from thin air. A shadow spikes from underneath the couch and takes the coin. "With immediate effect, raise Loi Krist's priority to the highest," Vinch says.

The shadow retreats into the dark.

"The balance of power will tip soon. The one that brings Loi Krist to their side may be the true ruler of the land in the future."

Anyone honoured enough to be the highest priority of Golden Exchange will receive top treatment and discounts from any deals. However, it also meant high attention from Golden Exchange's scrutiny. A double-edged edge sword.

Loi's potential does not pertain only to Vinch. Other powerhouses have considered bringing the legendary treat into their arms, although many are sceptical of Loi's future achievement. Too little Information leads to great doubt.

Take a gamble and recruit him or wait and watch yet risk losing him.

Behind the excited cheers, a psychological battle sprouts.


I easily win my fourth match and move on to the finals.

Night descended, casting silvery moonlight on the scars of numerous battles. Patches of dried blood stains and tattered ground of the arena witness passages of conflict. The air is heavy with the scent of sweat and metal, while discarded scraps of weapons glint in the soft moon glow.

The echoes of valour resonate through the atmosphere as Mina and I stand opposite the arena, sword and spirit in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen! After countless clashes and unyielding determination, we now approach the grand culmination of this epic contest—the finals! The finalists, both of unexpected origins, now stand on the verge of glory! May the moonlight guide their blades and the grand winner shall emerge triumph from this final skirmish!"



Two torrents of shockwave blast both contestants. Her aura violently erupts and explodes against mine, sending several trembles as a giant fireball ignites.


The contest in strength propels both of us out.

I dig my sword into the ground to stop my momentum.

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