11. Mysterious Turmoil

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Three hours before...

Tree branches of a large tree intertwine and integrate, birthing a majestic tall nature tower at the centre of Foresnagh.

Sunlight filters through the verdant canopy, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow on the tower's intricate structure.

This is the Tower of Jurisdiction, the abode of governing forces that maintain peace and harmony.

Mina stares up at the roots.

"Rising gracefully in the sky, all must revere beneath nature," Mina says.

"That must be the quote from Yan's Journal." A young girl behind Mina says. She has a distinct resemblance to Mina, possessing a timeless charm with hair extending to the shoulder, and her blue eyes exuding captivating innocence.

"Oh? Since when did Ruby read classical literature?" Mina smiles gently and says.

The young girl, named Ruby, chuckles. "That is an exception. It is the guideline for adventuring, every adventurer has read it once."

Mina turns to a servant behind Ruby and exchanges nods. "Ruby, big sister has something to do in the tower. Be obedient and listen to Mr Ken alright?"

"Aw, no fair. I want to go in!" Ruby sulks.

"In the future, we will have another chance to visit Foresnagh, I promise to let you in then, alright?"

Ruby nods and reluctantly leaves with the servant.

Walking through the door teleports Mina into a space within the tower, high up in the sky.

She is in a room with several terrifying presences around a table. An old elf exudes wise grace, silver hair cascading down his shoulders as ancient woven robes etched wisdom into every wisp. His staff of polished oak adorned with magic floats with regality.

The elf kingdom has four main masters that govern the land, Sword, Magic, Divinity, and this old elf, Magic.

The Magic Master's appearance shakes Mina's fortitude.

"Welcome, Mina Yvelle. This is my old friend, Sir Reasfors, the Magic Master of our kingdom." An elf of similar appearance yet crude facade to the Magic Master says. He is Kaisol Venreis, an acquaintance of Mina.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Mina says.

Kaisol turns to Reasfors "My friend, this is Mina Yvelle. The human I mentioned."

Reasfors nods. "I heard you recognise ancient rune language. That's impressive."

"My honour for such praise." Mina lowers her head.

"We can get to know each other at a later date. Let's get to the point, we want you to decipher ancient writings at the ancient ruins near Foresnagh, the epicentre of the deathworms rampage and the resting abode of the queen," says Reasfors.

"We can't get near. Anyone exposed to the mysterious ancient remnants falls into a day or two coma. Odd, the ancient ruins had existed long before the kingdom's establishment and only recently acted up..." Kaisol adds.

They present Mina with a scroll of writings on parchment.

"These are the words carved on those remnants, recognise them?" Kaisol asks.

Mina glances through the parchment and squeezes her eyes.

A zap of lighting lifts from the words and disrupts Mina's mind.

"Ugh?!" She groans.

"Mina?! What's wrong?" Kaisol goes to Mina.

"All...shall not pass lest the apostle. That's all I could read. The rest are enchanted with some mind corruption magic...huff...huff..."

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