Chapter 28 - accommodate to comfort

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"How are you gonna handle your mom when she finds out that you've moved out ?" Asked Mario as  he drove us back to the warehouse to set new ground rules and enforce new protocols and policies.

It was all necessary.

"I don't think she'll care enough to even look for answers to that" I told him and just then his phone rang.

"Marilyn?" He said to himself.

These two siblings had a fight years ago about Mario and how he beat the only guy Marilyn  had fallen for. They've never been on talking terms because when Marilyn  confronted him he acted like an ass.

And that call , that call  was the first he'd ever gotten from her in the past seven years.

"Don't be stupid answer the damn call" I said to him while grabbing the phone from him and answering it.

I put the call on speaker and motioned him to start talking.

"M-M-Memo?" He used to call her that all the time.

"I need you to do something for me" she quickly said.  Her voice made her seem panicked and that was alarming to us.

"Yeah talk to me what is ?"  He asked her.

"Is Lorenzo there with you?" She asked him and he looked at me before answering.

"Yeah , why?"

"Well wherever you were going before this turn around and go to the estate. You need to take Alicia's  medication. They'd run out and we'd ordered ones. But then with the sudden relocation , I'm sure they got delivered there." She told us.

"And make it quick she seemed panicked when she asked for them" she added before ending the call.

He quickly made a sharp turn to the left and sped down the road going back to the estate.

Getting there the guards I left were not at their posts.

"What the fuck is going on here " Asked Mario as he pulled out his gun same time I did.

I noticed mom's car was parked in the driveway.

Getting into the house  , it was very quiet. No man insight.

"Mom !" I called out to her.

"Mama" I called out again but everything was awfully  quiet.

"GET DOWN" Mario said as he rushed to me and pushed me to  the ground and just then I huge explosion  happened.

Everything was just dust  , smoke and flames for a while as my ears kept on ringing.

I looked around and found Mario already getting up while holding on to his head  in pain.

Groaning in pain , I managed to stand up and the both us of made it outside.

It took us a moment  to recover from it all as we stood leaning against our car.

Just then a white car pulled up on our driveway with its plate  written TONY.

"Tony?" I said looking at him shocked.

"What the fuck happened here ?" He asked when he got out of the  car and came to us.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked him.

"I needed to talk to you urgently and it couldn't be something  that could be discussed on the phone. And with what I'm seeing right now it's good that I came. " He said looking at the condition of both of us.

"Yeah , let's take you and us back to where we    are staying right now "  said Mario.

Just then I stopped in my tracks and looked at the screen of the car. Another yellow note.

'You need to be very careful , boy'

The note said.

"I've been getting them all the time. Same colour , same writing  and same design. Over more reason why I had to come here. " Said Tony.

"We have a lot of things we need to discuss." I said to him and he nodded before all of us got into his car and he drove off.

The drive back home was quiet everyone was lost in their own thoughts.

What if this had happened  2 hours earlier ?

I would've lost everyone. Mario,  Marilyn  , Tom and my wife. My wife , Alicìa.

"Shit , Tony take a right here and stop at the pharmacy." I told him and he nodded.

When we got to the pharmacy,  I got out and purchased all of her medicines and got back into the car.

"Who are they for ?" He asked as we got back on the road.

"I thought you were getting band-aids or some shit. Who are these for ?" He asked.

"For Alicìa  ,  they are for her anxiety attacks. She needs to take them often to help her stay afloat and if she doesn't-" I kept quiet because I never wanted her to go through any of that. Not as long as I'm here.

"Does she have like those episodes were something bad that happened to her comes back? " Asked  Tony out of nowhere and I just nodded.

"And how long everytime before  she takes her medication again ?"

"Not more than 8 hours" I said.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this Lorenzo " said Mario who  had been sitting quietly  at the back. "Alicìa  hasn't had her medicine today at all" he said and I looked at him  confused.

"I heard her arguing about it with Marilyn." He told me. "She was telling her how the medication made her drowsy and if she was going to be training at the warehouse she need to be in full concentration. Hence she'd postponed it but with everything that's happened , she hasn't taken her medication  in about 16hours now"  Explained carefully.

"Step on it Tony" I said to him and he nodded before he shifted gears and increased his speed.

Getting home I quickly grabbed the medication  and rushed inside.

"Alicìa!" I called out to her but she didn't respond.

"Alicìa " I called out again but nobody responded.

"Capo , hurry she's this way" said one of the maids. She looked worried and that made me worry.

"Vicky , listen to me."

"Can you hear me ?"

"Vicky , focus on the sound of my voice."

"I need you to listen to me."

Irvine was trying his level best to get through to her but she seemed to be stuck in a trance.

She looked scared,  in pain , and her tears made my heart ache.

Her eyes were closing and I wouldn't let her slip into darkness while going through an anxiety attack.

I got to her and held her in my arms.

The moments I made contact with her she held on to me like  everything depended on it.

She rested her head on my chest and slowly closed her eyes just as her breathing got normal and she stopped shaking.

Getting both of us off the ground and her in my arms. I kissed the top of her head lightly.

"You'll be okay Alicìa. I'm here"  I said to her and that seemed to accommodate her into comfort a lot more.


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