Chapter 21 - informative friend

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" The man in particular  I'm not entirely sure about him.  He came often to meet with my boss. They always talked like childhood friends. I would often here my  boss call him Jemmy.

They would always discuss about you and your Mafia. They'd always mention someone else. It looked as though  whoever Jemmy was  took instructions from someone else.

The day when we attacked Mrs Rivera-" he paused and looked at me in fright.

I will never get over that nor forgive anyone who was responsible for this. This I swear.

"That day , I overheard my boss talk about how genius it was for the other boss to fake his own death  and work from  the shadows. They both resorted to name him The Shadow." He said.

"That's all I know." He said to us and I stood up and started playing with my lighter in thought taking in all what he'd said.

"Your boss , you never mentioned his name. What is it ?" I asked him.

"It might seem weird and hard to believe but no-one knows it either. Only his inner circle know it. However his has a big and bold tattoo on his neck that's written Enoch." He informed us.

"Anything else you'd like to say ?" I asked him. He just bowed his head in shame and sighed.

"I'm really sorry " he said to me and I nodded.

"Keep him in the cells   until we find his boss." I told my men  and they nodded in understanding .

I decided  to go home before going back to the hospital to be there for her transfer from the hospital to home.

Driving home I felt calmer than before. At least I had a few leads on who ever did this. Once I find them only then will I be at peace.

I parked my car in front of the main  entrance because I wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"Pack all of those things and donate them and make sure all the new things are put in place "  said my mom. Her voice was coming from the direction of   Luca's  room.

"Mom ?" I called to her when I got to Luca's  room. She was sitting on  his bed typing something on her phone.

"Yes my baby. How are you ?" She asked me. "How was Mexico?" She asked again still busy on her phone.

"How did you know  I was in Mexico ?" I asked her and she looked up from her phone for a moment.

"W-well that's easy. I always  know where you are. I'm your mother " she replied but I wasn't convinced at all.

She got up  to leave and I held her back. "Why are you I'm Luca's  room and why are you rearranging everything in it ?" I asked her.

"Why are you asking so many questions Lorenzo. I have lots to do right now , you're disturbing me" she said going around me and walking out of the room.

What the hell was she even up to ?

I went to our room and took a quick shower then put on some jeans and dress shirt  then out on some sneakers and driving back to  the hospital.

Getting there I found Tom getting his bandage changed whilst Mario  stood buy the door.

"Tom take at least two weeks off a heal your wounds. Don't take too much  work load  on yourself okay ?"

"It's alright Capo , I'm okay. I won't take too much work load but I can't take the weeks off. I do have a lot I need to discuss with you " he told me and I just  nodded.

Just then Mario received a call and he excused himself to answer it.

Getting into the room I got the biggest  shock of my life.

All the machines that were  attached onto her body had been detached and her bed was empty.

Where is she ?

My heart began beating faster again. My hands were shaking thinking of all the possibilities  that someone might have taken her hostage.

Could it have been the boss of that prisoner we have from in our cells.

No !

"Alicìa " I called out to her just then I heard water running from the bathroom.

I rushed there and found her washing her hands on the sink.

"Alicìa " I whispered  and she raised her head and looked at me.

"You're back" she said with a small smile on her face.

I walked up to her and brought her into my arms but I was careful not to hurt her. I had miss  her so so much and these past few hours have been the worst hours of my life.

"Why did you leave the bed ?" I asked her as I carried her back to the room.

" I really really really needed to pee. " She mumbled as I placed her gently  on the bed.

I just chuckled and sat beside her. "You don't know how scared I was when I heard what happened. I came  ba-" but she cut me off.

"Where did you go ?"  She asked me with pain evident in  her voice.

I looked at her only then did I notice her flossy eyes.

"You just left and didn't even tell me anything and your men wouldn't tell me where you were. Why?" She asked as a lone tear escaped from her face.

"Why did you leave ?" She asked again.

I remember when I pictured her in pain , crying because of that attack all I felt was anger. Now  her crying because of me it made me hurt. It hurt in so many ways I felt my heart bleed.

"I'm so sorry ,  I'm really very sorry Alicìa. I promise it won't ever happen again" I said pulling her to my chest.

"It won't ever happen again. Not in this life time" I whispered  planting a kiss  at the top of her head.

" shit , I hate the hospital" she said wiping away her tears. "Can we go home?" She asked.

I smiled at he and nodded. "We were actually arranging for you transfer from the hospital to home whe you were asleep" I told her and she smiled brightly.

"Can we go now ?" She asked I was just about to object "and maybe we can get ice cream on the way. All I can taste right now is pure medicine " she grumbled.

"I can diffuse the taste if you want" I said to her looking at her then her lips.

"Can you ?"

"Watch me" I said to her before softly connecting our lips.

Every other act that I'm doing with her is making realise how much of a big mistake  I had committed  by wanted some sort of distance between us.

Whatever the problem is. Its best to work it out than letting the problem figure itself out.

Our tongues  danced together  for a while before we both  back for air.

"Still tasting medicine ?" I asked her and she smiled with a cute shade of red on her cheeks.

"No  , sir " she said sweetly and that seemed to tick my junior.

Shit !

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