chapter 7 - guns at the aisle p1

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"You look absolutely  stunning Ms. Capo is really lucky to have you by his side. You're just what he needed " said the make up artist as I stood  looking at myself in the full length mirror.

My fingers traced every bit of design that was  on the dress.

"Oh my devil , bitch you look amazing " screamed Irvine as he got into the room wearing  a black and gold suit.

"You look so freaking gorgeous  , Capo is going to grow so hard he will want to fuck you right there and then" he said while holding my hands in his.

"Oh , Vicky. I promised myself I wouldn't give you some sort of speech on your wedding day" he said with  teary eyes.

He let out a small laugh and looked at me with a proud look.

"And I won't,  let's get you married"  he said before handing me a glass of  champagne.

I just smiled at him.

"Wait , Irvine" I said to him. We hadn't seen each other in like 48 hours.

"Are you okay ?"

"Yeah I'm okay what are you talking about ?" He asked me setting his glass down on a table.

"Me getting married. The place we are in ?" I told him.

"Well the Capo sat me down actually. He told me that I had a choice either to live off the Mafia and I could still come and visit you or stay here and do some stuff here" he informed me and that shocked me.

"He gave you a choice. What did you choose" he looked at me with an obvious face.

" what do you think I chose. Bitch , I chose to stay here." He informed me.

"Here ?"

"Yeah here , in the mansion with you and your hubby and I get to here you  guys moan and scream each others name while you make me godchildren" he said and I just laughed.

"But seriously Irvine." I said " this is The Mafia , they sell guns and drugs and they kill people at times. You sure you wanna stay here?" I asked me.

"Vicky , I grew up with my Uncle. He was a drug lord. He sometimes involved me in his shit. This ? This is something I can say I've seen and I'm just gonna be dealing with it on a large scale." He told me.

"Now quit frowning , I know what's gonna happen"

"And what is that?"

"We gonna get you married" he said.

"Gosh ,Vicky I'm so happy for you." He added while pulling me into  a hug.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Excuse me. Its time for your entrance. Please follow me " said the lady.

"Oh wait a minute  ,  you're still a virgin let's cover you up." He said as he covered my face with the veil.

"You're just a nasty little bitch but scientifically you're a virgin and we both know it."  He said and we both laughed.

"All the best " he said and walked out of the room.

I got to the double doors were I'm sure led to the alter.

I heard soft music playing  on the other side and soon the doors  slowly opened. Everyone  stood and looked at me.

I look one big deep breathe  and smiled as I walked through  to the alter.

Looking through the crowd there was noone that I knew here that was for sure.  Looking ahead there he stood.

In a beautiful  black tuxedo with his hair neatly styled. He looked perfect. No other words could describe  him. He had a small but content  smile on his face as he watched me walk to him.

My heart warmed at his sight and that got me questioning  myself.

Am I falling for this guy?

Am I falling for Lorenzo Josiah Rivera.

Yes , he told me his name but that's not the point.  I can't fall for a man who kidnapped me from a funeral. Well he didn't exactly do that either  since I walked into the car willingly  so that wasn't kidnapping.

"Hey" he whispered to me when I got to him.

I took his hand which he'd offered for me to walk the climb up the last stairs to actually reach the alter.

"You beautiful Victoria." He said.

I smiled at him and nodded. "You look great " I told him.

"Dearly beloved we-"

"You can't start the ceremony without the bride's  family. That's just unrighteous."

It didn't take me long to know who exactly that was.

That freaking prickly  bustard was here as well.

I felt Lorenzo take my hand into his and held it tightly.

"What do you want Herman?"  He asked with his face serious looking at my dad like the last thing he wanted to see.

"Well , me and my sons here are just here for one thing" he said  while he sat himself on a chair that directly faced Lorenzo.

"And that's her , my daughter." He said.

I'm not surprised  he didn't call me by  my name. He never did anyway.

"I'm not sure she's keen on meeting you Herman. Why don't you go back to wherever you came from." He said to my father.

My father snickered and shook his head full of discontent. "See  boy" and that just made him furious because he held my hand even tighter and clenched his jaw.

"That's not for you to decide. I'm sure my girl has her own mind,  don't you child?" He asked while he looked at me with so much hate evident in his eyes.

"You should let such a young boy decide  for your future. You will become useless to him in a couple days , weeks if you're lucky" he said and that fueled to Lorenzo's  anger.

I winced at the pressure he was now applying to my hand. He noticed what he was doing and quickly  softened his grip on my hand but still kept it in his.

"Now , ask her what  she wants?"  Said my father.  "You or me"

I knew exactly why he was confident in me choosing him.

" No matter what you  stupid girl you choose family" he yelled  at me while he squeezed my arm with his hand.

"Do you understand?" He said while I winced and cried at the amount of pain he was putting on my arm.

"Child , you should answer when spoken to"  he said and applied more pressure it felt as though my arm would break.

"Yes , I understand " I replied quickly hoping the pain would end.

"Now tell me " he said and he pulled me towards the exit.

"There's the gate , no guards in your way. I'm giving you your freedom but you have to choose , child. Your freedom , free from my rules and punishments into a world full of perfect opportunities  or your family" he said looking at me  in a sinister way.

"So tell me , child. What do you want your perfect life free from me or your family?" He asked me.

I looked at the gate. The driveway  was free from any guards and he was unarmed. This could be my chance. I could choose my freedom and never come back here. This is it.

I looked at him as he had a calm expression.

"Go on , tell me" he said encouraging me to commit a mistake so he finds a reason to beat me.

"I choose , I choose family" I managed to say and he laughed evily before grabbing my Jaw hard.

"That's like a good child , because  if you'd chosen anything else. I would've already detached  your head from your body" he said to me.

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