Chapter 16 - mutual feelings

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It's way past midnight into the early hours of morning. I still haven't heard from Lorenzo since last night. I don't know where he is or how he's doing and that alone is making me worried.

He still can't be at work I'm sure. Shit , did they suffer some sort of ambush coming home ?

I can't even call him because he smashed his phone into a wall last night. I couldn't even call Mario because him and I haven't even talked to each other yet.  We can even be in the same room but still not talk.

Since I couldn't get to sleep I decided to take a walk  inside the house. I wouldn't even disturb anyone.

Where can that stupid  husband of mine be?

I sighed but then I heard the back door creak open. I was in that area otherwise I swear noone would be able to hear it.

I didn't want to alarm whoever it was  because I actually wanted to find out who is was.

" what are you doing here this late ?" I asked her.

" it's my house. I do have the right to go wherever  I want. I'm sure you would understand  that if you had your own.  am I right ? " she answered  taking of her gloves.

"What I'm trying to ask you is. What are you doing here  , in the middle of the night dressed like that?" I asked her once again

She shook her head disapprovingly  and walked up to me and grabbed my elbow tightly.

"Listen here you stupid girl,  I am not Lorenzo and I will not tolerate  any sort of stupid acts from you. How dare you question me. Huh?" She said squeezing it even more.

I swear if she wasn't Lorenzo's  mother she'd be done for.

" if you ever so much look in the same direction as I do. You will have it from me. Do you understand ?" She said letting go out of me with a nudge.

"Such filth in my house. What a mess" she said to herself whilst walking away from me.

Still I couldn't shake the feeling that she'd gone somewhere without Lorenzo or anyone's knowledge.

But where the fuck is  he ?

There's only one way I can get my answers and that is talking to the guards outside. Luckily  the moment I got outside I saw one of the men Lorenzo always has with.

"Ma'am, its late. I think it's best if you go inside." He said to me.

"What is your name ?"  I asked him. He seemed shocked as if he wasn't expecting me to talk to him but he replied anyway.

" its Tom" he replied.

"Then  Tom , I really need to ask your for a favour " I said to him.

"You  don't even have to ask Donna"

"I need to know where my husband is " I told him and he stood there frozen.

" I'm sorry Donna , Capo gave strict instructions to not tell you"

"Why ?" I asked him. My voice was so cracked up and I could feel tears threatening to fall.

Everything he did led back to what my mother went through.

" it's all information  I can not tell you about " he told me.

I just closed my eyes and sighed. "It's okay"

"You really must go back inside now " he said to me and I nodded before going back inside the house.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom but I  couldn't feel the push nor pull to be in this room.

It felt cold and too quiet. Where was he ?

I was struggling to keep the tears at bay. I didn't even understand exactly why  I was even  crying.

I just closed the door again and made my way to the  room I  got when I first  came here.

I walked to the bed and sat there staring at the moonlight  that shone on the balcony.

That's where he and I  kissed for the first time. I was drunk in some sense but however I do remember  trying to find a girl he could marry who was not me.

Oh my god. He said he loved me. There when he talked about a girl he loved and still does he mentioned Alicìa  and who I changed my name to Victoria  Sams.

"How could I forget that." I scolded myself. I sat down on the floor and hugged my legs close of my chest.

"How could I forget that ?" I said again before I burst into tears.

Noone could hear me this side. The fact that I was crying right now was full on confusing me but I just let it happen.

For the very first time , I missed this stupid person. Where did he go ?

Why did he tell me anything ?

Why did he leave me here ?

These are all the questions I had for him but he wouldn't answer them.

Did i do something wrong maybe ?

"Miss are you okay?" I raised my head only to be  met with a blinding light.

"It's morning already?" I asked mostly to myself but she replied anyway.

"Yes , today we clean the whole house.  We do it after every 2months." Explained Marilyn.

"There are going to be a lot of helpers moving about. Lorenzo's  mother strictly asked us to make sure everything is clean especially  Capo's elder brother's  room." She said.

"Wait , why would you have to clean Luca's room ?" I asked her.

"I really was surprised when she asked me to do the same. I really don't know " she replied and carried om with her work.

I got up from where I was sitting. It actually turns out I cried the whole night I didn't have time to actually sleep.

My eyes were swollen so I need to take a quick shower and try relax my face before going to look for Irvine.

After showering and putting on some black jeans and a white top I made my way to Irvine's  room.

"Irvine "

"Thank god I was just about to call you" he said putting his phone down.

"We need to talk." We both said to each other.

"Let's get out of the house for a while. " I suggested and he nodded.

"Go put on some shoes and grab a jacket while you're at it. It's a bit cold as it is" he said and I nodded before  going to my room.

I don't even know what to say to Irvine but at least I have someone with me.

Lorenzo has mad me feel abandoned  and the best I can do is to try and stay above it at the least.

"Ms , where you would you like to go ?"

"I'd like to go where my husband is " I told him and Irvine just looked at me shocked with a huge smile on his face.

"That can not be done unfortunately. Capo has given straight ord-" but I cut him off.

"It's fine , then I don't need you or any of his men following me around. And if you do get in touch with him do tell him that I care less about my safety and so should he"  I said before taking the car keys from him and getting into the car.

"Okayyy" said Irvine who'd gotten into the other seat.

"I am fully freaking impressed babygirl" he said before I drove of the estate.

If he doesn't  care so much then I don't think I should.

All feeling should  remain mutual.

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