Emerald wakes up

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Adonis pov- I feel as if the air in my lungs have left my body, the intense pain in my chest from the rapid beat of my heart that is slowly breaking as I sit here and watch my beautiful baby girl laying there almost lifeless if it wasn't that Machine letting me know her heart was indeed pumping I would be breathing down, she looks so frail, seeing those bruises covering her face, has me fuming, I want to justice, I want revenge, I know that they have them in custody right now, which is why I called my lawyers, I know they will not let me down they will have them all locked up rotting in a cell for life.
I caress your cheek before grabbing her hand with light kisses.

Adonis- baby girl, kitten please open your eyes its been a few days already please sweetheart, you can't leave me and Andro.
(I lay my head down leaning it on her hands I couldn't control it or hide it I don't care who see my tears start to fall.
I started to feel slight movement under my head I lift my head up and see her hand moves.)
Kitten can you hear me, if you can hear me move your hand again.
( I looked at her hand and see her finger move again , I grabbed my phone with my left hand and sent a text to Dr Andrews he replies right away with he will be right there , I put my phone away and sign in relief, she move I new my girl was a fighter it made me so happy this is the first time she has shown any sign of waking up )
Keep that up baby, your doing a good job, you will be safe in my arms again and if you thought I was overprotective and overly possessive before then just wait till your fully awake I will be 10 times what I was before ( I kissed her lips as I pulled away I saw her lips move into a smirk. )
I am not kidding kitten, you will never leave my sight again.

Dr Andrews- hello Mr Romano, I observed everything this is a good sign, just keep talking to her , it may take a while, her hold body did shit down at one point so this will be like her rebooting herself.
But with the connection the two of you have, I wouldn't be surprised if she woke up sooner.
Just let me check Mrs Romano's vitals then I will be on my way.
Okay Mr Romano all her vitals look very good , she seems to be responding to sensory stimulation, which is a good thing, I will leave you to it continue to talk to her and engage with her and give me a call or text if she wakes up or seem in distressed.

Adonis pov- After he leaves I continue to hold her hand and talk to her.
I show pictures of Andro and tell him everything that Amelia told me since I haven't been home since she has been here, I do miss my son so much but I can't face him until Emerald is okay and I know I can bring her home I promised him She would be okay and I would bring her home I know he is only a baby and he doesn't understand what's going on, but I just can't leave her not when she is starting to respond to my presences, I just know she will wake up soon and I want her to me by her side because I know she will get scared after everything that has happened to her, followed by been comforted by seeing me ai just know she will scold me from be away from our son for this long haha she is like a Rose, she is beautiful and delicate but if your not careful around her, her thorns will prick you too.

Adonis- oh my beautiful flower please open your eyes..... I am lost with out seeing it, Lost without hearing your sweet and delicate voice.( Crying)

Emerald pov- I can hear Adonis voice he sounds so weak and vulnerable which just breaks my heart, I try opening my eyes but I can't it feels like my eyelids way atone.
I hear his soft cries as he holds my hands his telling me he hasn't left my side since I came here A few days ago, "what he left our son, who needs at least one of us with him, oh my sweet boy I will be home soon, mama trying her beat to wake up so she can be with you and your papa, which I promise you he will get an ear full from me for leaving you, I know he left you with your Aunty but still, your papa will be in so much trouble....
"Just you wait till I wake up....
'I start telling myself to get up they need me but it's no use my eyes won't open, I can feel my tears coming down and Adonis wiping them away telling me not to cry just relax you will wake up when your body is ready he tells me, which makes me cry even harder and at that moment my eyes start to feel lighter I slowly flutter my eyes until there completely and and I am looking at a puffy crying Adonis, I couldn't talk my throat feels like sandpaper so I put my hand on his cheek looking at him, I opened my mouth trying to speak but nothing comes out so But Adonis catches on quick he pours me a class of water and holds it to my lips I drank the hold class looking at Adonis who has his phone in his hand once he is done texting whoever he looks at me with a teary eyed smile.

Adonis- oh kitten how I have longed to see those big beautiful eyes again, ( I kissed her lips softly)
I missed you so much baby, you are never leaving my side again..

Emerald- ( I started talking to him but my throat was killing me so it sounded more like a raspy whisper ) I.. heard everything.....you...said.. , please don't blame yourself my love, but I am mad at you...., you left our son for how long and didn't see him, one of us should always be with him, how could you leave him( I crossed my arm and started pouting, to which Adonis just chuckled at )

Adonis- I sorry Kitten, I just felt as if I failed him because I have failed to keep you safe....
I promised him that I wouldn't leave you until you woke up and I could take you home.

Emerald- well...I am awake now and you need to go home see our son and get some sleep you look terrible, I don't like seeing the sleepless, distressed look you have right now, it makes me sad because you are like that because of me. ( crying)

Adonis- no baby it's not your fault you know I can never sleep without you in my arms.

Emerald- well you are about too, go home now and stay with Andro for a bit and get some sleep I will still be here when you wake up, you need proper sleep now go my love...

Dr Andrews- Mrs Romano it is good to see you awake how have you been feeling since you woke up, and Mr Romano she is right, it isn't good for your health and for your own recovery you should be getting lost of rest too.
Okay Mrs Romano just let me check everything and run some more test.

Emerald pov- he checked all my vitals and drew some blood then left the two of us alone.

Emerald- Adonis my love please go home and get some sleep, see our son he is probably missing us both terribly at least one of us should be there with him please....for me....you can come back tonight and stay with me, I hate seeing you like this.

Adonis- fine... only because it's you but I will come back every night and I will stay with you.
I charged your phone it's right there by your bed.
If you need anything just call me okay.
( I kissed her lips and wrapped her in my arms before we said our goodbyes)
I will see you later tonight I love you....

Emerald- love you too give my love to Andro or call me on FaceTime so I can see him, I miss him so much

Adonis-I will my love.....

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