Family time p1

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Adonis pov- waking up to both Emerald and our son Andro was the best feeling our family start was not the best, but I will do everything in more power to see that becomes the best from here on out.
It was the weekend so I thought we could go on a picnic haven't had one since I was a child with my parents, but I am upping it so we are un bothered by anyone by having it on a yacht.
Andro started to wake up as soon as his eyes landed on mine he smiled at me reaching little arms up silently telling me to pick him up which of course I obliged.

Adnois -buenos dias mi hijo ( good morning my son )

dejemos a tu mamá dormir, primero te limpiaré y luego te traeré tu biberón
( let's leave your mom to sleep, I will get you cleaned up first then I will get you a bottle )

Adnois pov- he babbles back to me, my smart boy gets it he understands, I pick him up gave Emerald a kiss before I walked out to his nursery.
After I got him all cleaned up and heated up his milk I laid him down next to me giving him his bottle while I drank my coffee. I send a quick text to Charles and told him to have the you're ready if we would be there by 10 hopefully.
After Andro finished his bottle I burp him, I had one of the maids lay the matt on the ground, for his tummy time his almost crawling he moves a bit but then gets frustrated and just lays there and cries , but he will get it, I know he will my son is no quitter we will do it together, I will help him, but for now we will watch some cartoons and let his stomach rest I learnt that the hard way, he puked all over me cause I put him down right after a bottle.

30 minutes later:

I had him on the matt and put favourite toy in front of him and when he started moving I pulled the toy further away, may sound cruel but it works when he got to the end of the Matt I let him have it and cheered Loudly for him,

"lo hiciste, hijo, tu papi gateador está tan orgulloso de ti que sabía que podías hacerlo.
( you did it son,your crawling, daddy is so proud of you, I knew you could do it. )

pero mantenemos las cosas bien, chicos, tu mamá estará molesta porque se perdió la primera vez, así que cuando gatees fingiremos que es la primera vez que lo haces, ¿de acuerdo?

( but we keep it to us boys right , your mom will be so upset she missed the first time, so when you crawl we will pretend it's your first time doing it okay.. )

Emerald pov- I wake up and notice that Adonis nor Andro was in bed so I quickly got up and went to the bathroom did my morning routine and headed downstairs where I saw my son Crawling ' his crawling, oh my god my big boy but then I heard Adonis talking to him in Spanish, which I don't mind it's apart of him so it's apart of Andro and lucky for me Amelia has secretly been teaching me so I understand what he said to our son, mmm so it is already conspiring with his son to keep secrets from me ah well let me just surprise him ah.

Emerald-así que ya le estás diciendo a nuestro hijo que mienta y me guarde secretos
( so your already telling our son to lie and keep secrets from me )

Adonis pov- I froze for a second in shocked when did she learn how to speak Spanish, I quickly pick up Andro almost using him like a shield ,low I know but I need him she needs to know I didn't mean it in bad way.

Adonis- kitten when did you learn to speak Spanish and how come to never told me.
Listen baby I only told him not to say anything cause I know he won't, he can't not right now , that and I know how upset you would be if you missed it, it was a good and kind lie nothing bad right.
Come on baby why don't you seat here and I will go get you some breakfast then the three of us are going to have a little family weekend trip, nothing big or anything.

Emerald- Suena perfecto, pero verás el infierno si alguna vez me ocultas Secrets y, lo que es peor, si metes a nuestro hijo en él.
( sounds perfect, but you will see hell if you ever keep secrets from me and even worse if you bring our son into it )

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